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1 (edited by Joe Schmoe 18.02.2019 18:57)

Topic: Chat log.txt


I'm wondering if there is a way to configure PvPGN so that it will log a specified chat channel and write to a .txt file. As far as I can tell, the channel log file that is produced in the chatlog folder is an unspecified file type. It can be opened and read with a text editor, but I'd like the log file to actually be created as a .txt file. Just "log.txt" or something simple like that. Any help or ideas?



Re: Chat log.txt

As far as I know, channel log filename is included in source code and you cannot change it through the *.conf files.
But I don't understand why you need extension. It doesn't matter. Log file is saved as plain text.

3 (edited by Joe Schmoe 19.02.2019 03:15)

Re: Chat log.txt

Karol wrote:

As far as I know, channel log filename is included in source code and you cannot change it through the *.conf files.
But I don't understand why you need extension. It doesn't matter. Log file is saved as plain text.

Project I'm working on. I have a discord channel and I am sending live updates by reporting game and activity to discord. I have an app that reads from a text file and reports text strings to discord channel. I have it reading the chat log file produced by Topaz Chat. Except Topaz Chat keeps crashing... Especially when people connect to the server to play. Topaz just disconnects and crashes. Now I can't even connect using Topaz Chat. It just stopped connecting to my server. I dunno. Is there a more stable version of Topaz or maybe even a more stable chat client that I can use? I'm using Topaz Chat version 7.03...

I read somewhere that Stealthbot doesn't work with PvPGN servers. Something about PvPGN not following proper bnet protocol.. whatever that means. My process for in games updates is working, but my chat client isn't. Any ideas?


Added: 19.02.2019 07:48

Joe Schmoe wrote:
Karol wrote:

As far as I know, channel log filename is included in source code and you cannot change it through the *.conf files.
But I don't understand why you need extension. It doesn't matter. Log file is saved as plain text.

Project I'm working on. I have a discord channel and I am sending live updates by reporting game and activity to discord. I have an app that reads from a text file and reports text strings to discord channel. I have it reading the chat log file produced by Topaz Chat. Except Topaz Chat keeps crashing... Especially when people connect to the server to play. Topaz just disconnects and crashes. Now I can't even connect using Topaz Chat. It just stopped connecting to my server. I dunno. Is there a more stable version of Topaz or maybe even a more stable chat client that I can use? I'm using Topaz Chat version 7.03...

I read somewhere that Stealthbot doesn't work with PvPGN servers. Something about PvPGN not following proper bnet protocol.. whatever that means. My process for in games updates is working, but my chat client isn't. Any ideas?


Ok, Stealthbot works fine to join PvPGN chat. Maybe I was reading old info. Still having an issue with the file naming format of Stealthbot’s log files and compatibility with my discord bot, but I’m trying to work it out.

Added: 20.02.2019 15:37

Joe Schmoe wrote:
Karol wrote:

As far as I know, channel log filename is included in source code and you cannot change it through the *.conf files.
But I don't understand why you need extension. It doesn't matter. Log file is saved as plain text.

Project I'm working on. I have a discord channel and I am sending live updates by reporting game and activity to discord. I have an app that reads from a text file and reports text strings to discord channel. I have it reading the chat log file produced by Topaz Chat. Except Topaz Chat keeps crashing... Especially when people connect to the server to play. Topaz just disconnects and crashes. Now I can't even connect using Topaz Chat. It just stopped connecting to my server. I dunno. Is there a more stable version of Topaz or maybe even a more stable chat client that I can use? I'm using Topaz Chat version 7.03...

I read somewhere that Stealthbot doesn't work with PvPGN servers. Something about PvPGN not following proper bnet protocol.. whatever that means. My process for in games updates is working, but my chat client isn't. Any ideas?


Added: 19.02.2019 07:48

Joe Schmoe wrote:
Karol wrote:

As far as I know, channel log filename is included in source code and you cannot change it through the *.conf files.
But I don't understand why you need extension. It doesn't matter. Log file is saved as plain text.

Project I'm working on. I have a discord channel and I am sending live updates by reporting game and activity to discord. I have an app that reads from a text file and reports text strings to discord channel. I have it reading the chat log file produced by Topaz Chat. Except Topaz Chat keeps crashing... Especially when people connect to the server to play. Topaz just disconnects and crashes. Now I can't even connect using Topaz Chat. It just stopped connecting to my server. I dunno. Is there a more stable version of Topaz or maybe even a more stable chat client that I can use? I'm using Topaz Chat version 7.03...

I read somewhere that Stealthbot doesn't work with PvPGN servers. Something about PvPGN not following proper bnet protocol.. whatever that means. My process for in games updates is working, but my chat client isn't. Any ideas?


Ok, Stealthbot works fine to join PvPGN chat. Maybe I was reading old info. Still having an issue with the file naming format of Stealthbot’s log files and compatibility with my discord bot, but I’m trying to work it out.

I still have questions about the log files...
Is there any way to configure it to also log the server "whispered" dialogue in chat? Like the stuff it reports when I /watchall users and then it notifies me in a whisper when people join and leave games. The green text. I want to log those things. Is there a way to do that?


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