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Topic: Guest login?

I want to enable Guest login for a chat bot client. Can I find this option in confs?


2 (edited by Feofilaktt 19.02.2019 09:04)

Re: Guest login?

Joe Schmoe wrote:

I want to enable Guest login for a chat bot client. Can I find this option in confs?


This setting is in bnetd.conf

# Client verification and upgrades
# This option lists the client types allowed to connect (only valid for 
# the bnet and wol protocol). The list is a comma separated list of any of
# the following elements: 
# chat : client type "CHAT" allowed (used by some bot software)
# d2dv : client type Diablo 2
# d2xp : client type Diablo 2 LOD
# Example: allowed_clients = war3,w3xp
allowed_clients = chat,d2xp

Depending on how your database was created, it is by default "false" in the account's bot access.

"auth_botlogin varchar(6)","'false'"

You need to update the value to "true" in the accounts already created and set the default value to "true" in the "auth_botlogin" column in the database..

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Re: Guest login?

Feofilaktt wrote:
Joe Schmoe wrote:

I want to enable Guest login for a chat bot client. Can I find this option in confs?


This setting is in bnetd.conf

# Client verification and upgrades
# This option lists the client types allowed to connect (only valid for 
# the bnet and wol protocol). The list is a comma separated list of any of
# the following elements: 
# chat : client type "CHAT" allowed (used by some bot software)
# d2dv : client type Diablo 2
# d2xp : client type Diablo 2 LOD
# Example: allowed_clients = war3,w3xp
allowed_clients = chat,d2xp

Depending on how your database was created, it is by default "false" in the account's bot access.

"auth_botlogin varchar(6)","'false'"

You need to update the value to "true" in the accounts already created and set the default value to "true" in the "auth_botlogin" column in the database..

You're the answers guy. Thanks, Feofilaktt. I scrapped Topaz Bot and am now using Stealthbot. Just had to figure out how to configure to use local hash. This Stealthbot log/Discord thing is pretty sweet. I'm absolutely positive that others here have simply coded something similar, but I have to MacGyver almost everything. Here's a screen:

Of course mule management gets a little obnoxious in Discord channel, but there's a 'clear chat' command I'm going to work into the discord bot on a timed loop soon...

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