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Posts: 5


Topic: WP and PvPGN register

Hi. I'm finishing working in a website of D2. But i cannot make the oAuth work because passwords use different hash. So I would like to know if you know a way to make a two-way auth in the website and in the game. I tried the pvpgn web register but that's not what I'm looking for. I know that have to be a way to achieve that. Thanks in advance. If I find some solution i will post btw.


Re: WP and PvPGN register

You have to make a synchronization between website and pvpgn accounts.

  • Disable /chpass command in pvpgn to disable change password inside a game (command_groups.conf > delete /chpass)

  • Disable register a new account from a game (bnetd.conf > new_accounts = false)

  • Crack all passwords from your pvpgn server to create accounts for your website auth method

  • When register new account on your website also create a new account in pvpgn database

  • When change password on your website do not forget change hash for the same account in pvpgn database

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: WP and PvPGN register

Thanks Harpy, didn't know that was a JS and PHP version... I will post my feedback in these days. THANKS!!!

4 (edited by xHomerOx 01.04.2019 19:50)

Re: WP and PvPGN register

HarpyWar wrote:

You have to make a synchronization between website and pvpgn accounts.

  • Disable /chpass command in pvpgn to disable change password inside a game (command_groups.conf > delete /chpass)

  • Disable register a new account from a game (bnetd.conf > new_accounts = false)

  • Crack all passwords from your pvpgn server to create accounts for your website auth method

  • When register new account on your website also create a new account in pvpgn database

  • When change password on your website do not forget change hash for the same account in pvpgn database

Tried what you said with UM Register, so i can establish permissions. But i cannot find the way to create account from the Website and then to autocreate account in PvPGN.

I tried by making queries via MySQL, but cannot make it work from a WordPress site... Anyone have an idea on how to achieve that without use PVPGN WebRegister???

5 (edited by hehpe 02.04.2019 10:48)

Re: WP and PvPGN register

I have a question I've seen few servers with phpbb forums and when you create account in the forum you have game account menu and from there your make you d2 account so my question is this available somewhere to download or I have to do it myself?

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