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Posts: 2

1 (edited by tk[as] 30.03.2019 04:24)

Topic: $500 Reward for anyone who can fix hosting issues via UDP hole punchin

$500 Reward for anyone who can fix hosting issues via UDP hole punching (also known as firewall hole punching)

USA-Archer claimed to be able to have the answer, but I'm fairly confident he wasn't able to figure it out.

Write the script. Fix the problem. Prove you did it. Get $500.

It's easier to contact me on  in the Server.War2.Ru sub-forum if you do happen to solve it and can't find a way to contact me. I'm also tk[as] on that forum.

Added: 29.03.2019 19:24

Added: 29.03.2019 19:24

Here is some information/ideas being tossed around that might give someone a good head start,2703.150.html


Re: $500 Reward for anyone who can fix hosting issues via UDP hole punchin

tk[as] wrote:

$500 Reward for anyone who can fix hosting issues via UDP hole punching (also known as firewall hole punching)

USA-Archer claimed to be able to have the answer, but I'm fairly confident he wasn't able to figure it out.

Write the script. Fix the problem. Prove you did it. Get $500.

Hello. Some years ago I partially solved this problem with intermediate proxy server. At least it worked fine with warcraft 3 and starcraft.

Posts: 2

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