Topic: Benefits of copying D2 LoD 1.14d files to D2GS?
Hi, this is my second time installing a Diablo 2 server. First time was a test using defaults, several years ago.
Now, I am planing to install using the following configuration:
Windows 2008 R2 SP1 English
AppServ (appserv-win32-8.6.0) so I have (MYSQL, PHP, Apache and phpMyAdmin)
D2GS 1.13c(3)
PVPGN ("pvpgn-master-")
PVPGN Stts (pvpgn-stats-2.4.5)
Everything would be in 1 this server.
I have seen people recommending to use Diablo 2 LoD 1.14d files instead of 1.13c so I would like to now if there are benefits when using 1.14 files instead... Please.