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Topic: Benefits of copying D2 LoD 1.14d files to D2GS?

Hi, this is my second time installing a Diablo 2 server. First time was a test using defaults, several years ago.
Now, I am planing to install using the  following configuration:

Windows 2008 R2 SP1 English
AppServ (appserv-win32-8.6.0) so I have (MYSQL, PHP, Apache and phpMyAdmin)
D2GS 1.13c(3)
PVPGN ("pvpgn-master-")
PVPGN Stts (pvpgn-stats-2.4.5)

Everything would be in 1 this server.

I have seen people recommending to use Diablo 2 LoD 1.14d files instead of 1.13c so I would like to now if there are benefits when using 1.14 files instead... Please.


Re: Benefits of copying D2 LoD 1.14d files to D2GS?

There is no 1.14d d2gs, you have to use 1.13c files, but set versioncheck to check if clients use 1.14d game version.
1.14d = less bots and programs.

Patch 14abcd adds better performance and adjustment to new OS, gameplay is still this same as in 13c


Re: Benefits of copying D2 LoD 1.14d files to D2GS?

I use versioncheck for 1.14b and recommend it because it has the least hack available on the internet.

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4 (edited by batmanReturns 28.07.2019 20:56)

Re: Benefits of copying D2 LoD 1.14d files to D2GS?

Oh, I see.... Last question, is there a MapHack (or similar) for 1.14d client?

Added: 28.07.2019 21:29

Never mind... Thanks a lot wink


Re: Benefits of copying D2 LoD 1.14d files to D2GS?

Just to jump on the band wagon, how does the version check work?

Is it possible to "add your own" version check?

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Re: Benefits of copying D2 LoD 1.14d files to D2GS?

Kieran wrote:

Just to jump on the band wagon, how does the version check work?

Is it possible to "add your own" version check?

Yes, make your changes and try to log in to your server, it will blocks and shows at log, get the informations on the log to create your new version check rule

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