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Posts: 8


Topic: Ladder Displayed on Website

Hello Guys,

Does anybody have any knowledge on the following or how to achieve it?

Essentially I would like our in game Diablo II ladders displayed on our website. Our PvPGN server is running on windows and not mySQL.  The webhost is on an entirely different server using Linux (cPanel).

I have attempted to use this script:

However I cannot provide the script with $accountsdir file path as the webhost is of course not on the same machine as PvPGN.

Likewise I attempted to use this script: … vpgn-stats

However similarly to the above I cannot provide the following as once again the directory is not on the same server.

// set pvpgn_dir to where you pvpgn directory is, include trailing slash
$pvpgn_dir = "/usr/local/";
$ladders_dir = $pvpgn_dir."var/ladders/";

In terms of the .XML file - I can upload this from the PvPGN Server (windows) to the Linux webhost so that isn't a problem, I cannot however upload the entire charinfo folder (in the first example) or the entire pvpgn directory in the second example.

Does anybody have any methods or solutions on tackling this? I'm fairly confident most servers have separate web hosts and PvPGN hosts.

Thanks for any advice you guys can offer.

Check out and join our Diablo II Private Server!


Re: Ladder Displayed on Website

I can share my experience..

Today, on my Game Server, I send the *.SQL(Ladder File) via command SCP(Linux) every 12 hours by CRON to my Web Server.

Where there is the Database update to bring up the Ladder.

Website - Ladder

Full Ladder

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: Ladder Displayed on Website

Feofilaktt wrote:

I can share my experience..

Today, on my Game Server, I send the *.SQL(Ladder File) via command SCP(Linux) every 12 hours by CRON to my Web Server.

Where there is the Database update to bring up the Ladder.

Website - Ladder

Full Ladder

Thank you for sharing it is appreciated however I am not using SQL on the PvPGN Server, I am using the typical file structure.

Check out and join our Diablo II Private Server!


Re: Ladder Displayed on Website

Kieran wrote:

Thank you for sharing it is appreciated however I am not using SQL on the PvPGN Server, I am using the typical file structure.

Yes, but you could use the same methodology when uploading the file to another server that will use.

Do you use XML to export the PvPGN Ladder?

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: Ladder Displayed on Website

I used to use this script … ladder.php but with modification to not show account name because of  this same reason


Re: Ladder Displayed on Website

Feofilaktt wrote:
Kieran wrote:

Thank you for sharing it is appreciated however I am not using SQL on the PvPGN Server, I am using the typical file structure.

Yes, but you could use the same methodology when uploading the file to another server that will use.

Do you use XML to export the PvPGN Ladder?

I could however that's thousands of files that would need to be uploaded every 30 minutes.

I did a trial run and it took 30minutes for the upload! That would mean a continuous transfer.

Karol wrote:

I used to use this script … ladder.php but with modification to not show account name because of  this same reason

Would you mind sharing your modification Karol? And maybe your website that I can browse to see it in action?

Thanks for all the advice guys!

Check out and join our Diablo II Private Server!


Re: Ladder Displayed on Website

My server is no longer online, but ladder is still on smile

You can look at it here: (ignore untrusted site, because certificate expired and I didn't renew) with all adjustment to my layout.

Clean only ladder code

8 (edited by Kieran 26.09.2019 04:33)

Re: Ladder Displayed on Website

Karol wrote:

My server is no longer online, but ladder is still on smile

You can look at it here: (ignore untrusted site, because certificate expired and I didn't renew) with all adjustment to my layout.

Clean only ladder code

Thank you to Karol for the assistance,

We have it working!

Although, bugs await!

I have found that the XML file is exporting some odd numbers once players pass the 210M xp bracket:

1    Sorceress x_O    99    -774482042    Sorceress    Matriarch    alive
21    Amazon Baked    93    2100435598    Amazon    Matriarch    alive

I have checked and confirmed it is the XML file:

        <rank> 1</rank>

I have also found that the XML file is exporting classic characters with incorrect titles too.

Barons are Lords
Lords are Sirs
Sirs are Blank

Has anybody encountered this before?

Okay so I have done some digging and there is a simple method of resolving this however it requires me to modify the source. I have the source that I need however I am struggling to get an .sln generated for it. Could anybody assist? I am having no luck with CMAKER / MagicBuilder.

The Magic Builder works flawlessly with the latest Git but I am rocking 1.8.5 with the v1.09d pack.

Check out and join our Diablo II Private Server!

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