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1 (edited by rbit 29.09.2019 21:06)

Topic: Having trouble configuring on Linux/Ubuntu

I'm running `./bnetd` on Ubuntu 18.04 but it just closes with no output. I notice my bnetd.log contains the following:

[error] _setup_listensock: could not bind bnet socket to address TCP (psock_bind: Address already in use)

Where can I set this IP?

I'm having a hard time finding documentation on configuring the server for the first time, can someone link me or provide some direction? Ultimately trying to get closed D2 realm setup. Thanks in advance!


I tried changing "servaddrs = "" # default interface (all) and default port (6112)" (my server ip) in bnetd.conf but the error above is essentially the same:

[error] _setup_listensock: could not bind bnet socket to address TCP (psock_bind: Address already in use)

Edit 2: I believe the "address in use issue" may be my lack of understanding of how pvpgn is supposed to run. I think it's already running in the background, but I have no idea how to check (stop/restart like a service). When I reboot the machine, it seems to run but I'm still very confused how to run pvpgn, would love some setup documentation. Also, does this include diablo 2 server support:? or do I also need d2gs?

2 (edited by Karol 29.09.2019 23:28)

Re: Having trouble configuring on Linux/Ubuntu

To run closed diablo 2 realm you need d2gs, it is only windows binary file *.exe so you need install wine (with patch) on linux machine.

3 (edited by rbit 30.09.2019 01:22)

Re: Having trouble configuring on Linux/Ubuntu

Karol wrote:

To run closed diablo 2 realm you need d2gs, it is only windows binary file *.exe so you need install wine (with patch) on linux machine.

EDIT: OK I will give it a try. Just got open going / no gameservers yet.

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