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1 (edited by systems 24.10.2019 21:37)

Topic: bug pvpgn 1.8.5 linux debian

number of registered accounts on the server pvpgn motd %a  numer 2
real registred database pvpgn_BNET 120
real number of registered accounts on the server pvpgn 120
Hi, is there a fix to fix the number registered in the server itself when it is under mysql.

$our = mysql_query("SELECT count(acct_userid) as acct_username FROM pvpgn_BNET WHERE acct_username <> 2");
echo "number of registered accounts on the server pvpgn" .$r['acct_username']. "";

real registred 120

command /motd
number of registered accounts on the server pvpgn 2


Re: bug pvpgn 1.8.5 linux debian

systems wrote:

number of registered accounts on the server pvpgn motd %a  numer 2
real registred database pvpgn_BNET 120
real number of registered accounts on the server pvpgn 120
Hi, is there a fix to fix the number registered in the server itself when it is under mysql.

$our = mysql_query("SELECT count(acct_userid) as acct_username FROM pvpgn_BNET WHERE acct_username <> 2");
echo "number of registered accounts on the server pvpgn" .$r['acct_username']. "";

real registred 120

command /motd
number of registered accounts on the server pvpgn 2

I also have this problem, but I don't care much.

It usually happens when I renounce MySQL and PvPGN.

I also use PvPGN 1.99(Modified) in Debian.

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