Topic: d2gs doesn't open any port, please help
This is my first time to try building a pvpgn server. Right now I'm focusing on building the server for diablo 2.
I'm hosting pvpgn, d2cs and d2dbs on a linux server, which works fine. My diablo 2 client can connect to the server, register user accounts, chat, find realm without any problem.
I hosted d2gs 1.13c(built with pvpgn-magic-builder) on windows xp running on a virtual machine.
d2gs service was running fine as I could find in the log file "D2SVC.log":
02/03 19:39:59.996 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
02/03 19:39:59.996 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 1500
both servers are on the same LAN with internal IP address. pvpgn and d2gs ports are forwarded to the external network.
here's the problem:
when I try to create a closed game, I'm prompted that "Your position in line is : 1". I did a few google searches and found out it's mainly due to the inconnectivity between d2cs and d2gs.
I checked if port 4000 and 8888 are open, and found none of the ports is open. In fact, d2gs is not listenning on any port.
My firewall is closed as I was checking the ports.
I'm confused that if d2gs is running fine based on the log, why didn't it listen on any port?
Is this a problem of my configuration or a problem with the version of d2gs I was running?
When I built d2gs with pvpgn-magic-builder I was aiming for version 1.13c. All the config files built seemed to be 1.13c but d2gs.exe's version is 1.10.
Please help me get the server working. Thanks.
Added: 03.02.2020 21:24
never mind, I've found the reason. It was actually pretty stupid of me to not have seen the full log.
02/03 20:18:14.303 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 1052
02/03 20:18:15.775 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
02/03 20:18:15.775 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
02/03 20:18:15.775 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 304
02/03 20:18:17.227 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
02/03 20:18:17.227 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
02/03 20:18:17.227 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 252
02/03 20:18:18.699 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
02/03 20:18:18.699 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
02/03 20:18:18.699 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 664
02/03 20:18:20.172 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
02/03 20:18:20.172 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
02/03 20:18:20.172 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 772
02/03 20:18:21.644 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
02/03 20:18:21.644 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
02/03 20:18:21.644 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 1488
02/03 20:18:23.106 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
02/03 20:18:23.106 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
02/03 20:18:23.106 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 244
d2gs.exe was never successfully running. it kept trying and getting new process id.
no wonder it didn't open any port.
and I've found the way to fix it.
the answer lies in the "start service" part of this page:
hope this helps people who run into the same problem.