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Posts: 3


Topic: Versioncheck for 1.14D not working

its probably in my setup... but i cannot seem to get the versioncheck to allow the 1.14d client

Feb 11 22:11:09 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::handle_init_packet: [636] client initiated bnet connection
Feb 11 22:11:09 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::conn_set_gamelang: [636] setting client gamelang to "enUS"
Feb 11 22:11:09 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_authreq109: [636] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x64d5feb7, verstr= exeinfo="Game.exe 11/05/18 04:12:04 3618792" versionid=0x0000000e gameversion=0x010e0300 checksum=0x08a323bf
Feb 11 22:11:09 [info ] pvpgn::bnetd::_client_authreq109: [636] client failed versioncheck

Above. The response from the server....

Below. My settings for the client from my versioncheck.conf

# Diablo II - LoD (Expansion) 1.14d
"A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B" \
IX86ver1.mpq \
IX86 \
D2XP \
Game.exe 11/05/18 04:12:04 3618792 \
0x0000000e \ \
0x08a323bf \


Re: Versioncheck for 1.14D not working

What pvpgn do You use?

3 (edited by tmuhlhausen 07.03.2020 18:27)

Re: Versioncheck for 1.14D not working

Gencolate wrote:

What pvpgn do You use?

The main download link that you can find here on is what i am using. the Plain version. Still have not found a proper solution to version check... also i am using the newest launchers and 1.14D if anyone thinks of anything. gave up after 10 hours or so

if anyone has idea what this seem's literally impossible to debug?? i see people have said it was easy, but seem's to be the only aspect with the software that i cant seem to get to function. Client model/server model match.. and the entries in versioncheck.conf are set hmm im stumped

Posts: 3

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