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Topic: No connection to D2GS

Hello all

and sorry my English is very bad

I have on a Linux Mint 19.2 PC pvpgn 1.99 and under wine D2GS 1.09D
The Tutorials i used

The Logs


Feb 27 23:50:06 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [22] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Feb 27 23:50:06 [info ] conn_destroy: [22] "paladin" logged out
Feb 27 23:50:06 [info ] conn_destroy: [22] closed bnet connection
Feb 27 23:50:07 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1582842823, now: 1582843807, now-lc: 984.
Feb 27 23:50:07 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Feb 27 23:50:07 [info ] sd_accept: [22] accepted connection from on
Feb 27 23:50:07 [debug] conn_create: [22][19] sessionkey=0x666564252 sessionnum=0x00000007
Feb 27 23:50:07 [debug] sd_accept: [22] client connected to a bnet listening address
Feb 27 23:50:07 [info ] handle_init_packet: [22] client initiated bnet connection
Feb 27 23:50:07 [trace] conn_shutdown: [22] connection already closed
Feb 27 23:50:07 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
Feb 27 23:50:07 [debug] _client_auth_info: [22] AUTH_INFO packet { protocol=0x0, platform=IX86, product=D2XP, versionid=0x9, language=UNKN, localip=0x00, tzbias=ffffffc4, locale=1031, language=1031, country=DEU.Germany }
Feb 27 23:50:07 [debug] _client_auth_info: [22] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
Feb 27 23:50:07 [info ] _client_authreq109: [22] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x1b8e22ae, verstr= exeinfo="Game.exe 11/30/01 04:00:17 448675" versionid=0x00000009 gameversion=0x01000900 checksum=0xfa39efbb
Feb 27 23:50:07 [info ] _client_authreq109: [22] skipping versioncheck because allow_unknown_version is true
Feb 27 23:50:07 [info ] _client_authreq109: [22] no upgrade is available
Feb 27 23:50:07 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [22] file requested: "bnserver-D2DV.ini" - type = 0x80000004
Feb 27 23:50:09 [info ] _client_loginreq2: [22] "paladin" logged in (correct password)
Feb 27 23:50:09 [debug] conn_set_realm: [22] set to "MyRealm"
Feb 27 23:50:09 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Feb 27 23:50:09 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output network
Feb 27 23:50:09 [debug] trans_net: entry does match input address
Feb 27 23:50:09 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output network
Feb 27 23:50:09 [debug] trans_net: translated to
Feb 27 23:50:09 [debug] on_d2cs_accountloginreq: user paladin loggedin on d2cs
Feb 27 23:50:11 [debug] on_d2cs_charloginreq: loaded portrait for character Test
Feb 27 23:50:11 [debug] _client_progident2: [22] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Feb 27 23:50:11 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [22] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo="MyRealm,Test"
Feb 27 23:50:11 [debug] channellist_find_channel_by_name: found permanent channel "Diablo II-1" for "Diablo II"
Feb 27 23:50:11 [info ] conn_set_channel: [22] joined channel "Diablo II-1"
Feb 27 23:50:11 [debug] get: returning nullptr
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\\acct\\passhash1" val="b896b08df6bb79632780054b7fcae19ba54dcb36"
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\\acct\\lastlogin_owner" val="Woschd"
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\\acct\\lastlogin_clienttag" val="D2XP"
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\\acct\\lastlogin_ip" val=""
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\\acct\\lastlogin_time" val="1582843809"
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\\acct\\userid" val="1"
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\\acct\\username" val="paladin"
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] plain_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\\acct\\ctime" val="1581541375"
Feb 27 23:55:09 [debug] attrlayer_save: saved 1 user accounts


Feb 28 00:03:28 [info ] server_accept: accept connection from
Feb 28 00:03:28 [info ] d2cs_conn_create: created session=12 socket=4 (3 current connections)
Feb 28 00:03:28 [info ] on_d2gs_initconn: [4] client initiated d2gs connection
Feb 28 00:03:28 [info ] handle_d2gs_init: sent init packet to d2gs 1 (sessionnum=12)
Feb 28 00:09:24 [info ] connlist_check_timeout: server 12 timed out
Feb 28 00:09:24 [warn ] d2gs_deactive: game server 1 is not actived yet
Feb 28 00:09:24 [info ] d2cs_conn_destroy: [4] closed connection 12 (2 left)
Feb 28 00:09:34 [info ] server_accept: accept connection from
Feb 28 00:09:34 [info ] d2cs_conn_create: created session=13 socket=4 (3 current connections)
Feb 28 00:09:34 [info ] on_d2gs_initconn: [4] client initiated d2gs connection
Feb 28 00:09:34 [info ] handle_d2gs_init: sent init packet to d2gs 1 (sessionnum=13)
Feb 28 00:10:26 [info ] d2ladder_readladder: ladder file loaded successfully (28 types 35 maxtype)
Feb 28 00:15:30 [info ] connlist_check_timeout: server 13 timed out
Feb 28 00:15:30 [warn ] d2gs_deactive: game server 1 is not actived yet
Feb 28 00:15:30 [info ] d2cs_conn_destroy: [4] closed connection 13 (2 left)
Feb 28 00:15:40 [info ] server_accept: accept connection from
Feb 28 00:15:40 [info ] d2cs_conn_create: created session=14 socket=4 (3 current connections)
Feb 28 00:15:40 [info ] on_d2gs_initconn: [4] client initiated d2gs connection
Feb 28 00:15:40 [info ] handle_d2gs_init: sent init packet to d2gs 1 (sessionnum=14)


Feb 28 00:09:29 [info ] dbs_server_loop: accepted connection from , socket 2 .
Feb 28 00:09:29 [info ] setsockopt_keepalive: set KEEPALIVE option for socket 2
Feb 28 00:09:29 [info ] dbs_verify_ipaddr: ip address is valid
Feb 28 00:09:29 [info ] dbs_packet_handle: set connection type for gs on socket 2
Feb 28 00:10:28 [info ] d2ladder_checksum_check: ladder file check pass (checksum=0x-248D3FAE)
Feb 28 00:10:28 [info ] d2ladder_saveladder: backup ladder file
Feb 28 00:10:28 [info ] d2ladder_saveladder: ladder file saved (0 changes)
Feb 28 00:14:30 [debug] dbs_check_timeout: connection 1 timed out
Feb 28 00:14:30 [info ] dbs_server_shutdown_connection: unlock all characters on gs
Feb 28 00:15:35 [info ] dbs_server_loop: accepted connection from , socket 2 .
Feb 28 00:15:35 [info ] setsockopt_keepalive: set KEEPALIVE option for socket 2
Feb 28 00:15:35 [info ] dbs_verify_ipaddr: ip address is valid
Feb 28 00:15:35 [info ] dbs_packet_handle: set connection type for gs on socket 2
Feb 28 00:18:54 [debug] on_signal: sigint received
Feb 28 00:18:54 [debug] on_signal: sighup received
Feb 28 00:18:54 [error] dbs_server_loop: psock_select() failed : Interrupted system call
Feb 28 00:18:54 [info ] d2dbs_handle_signal: the server is going to shutdown in 6 minutes
Feb 28 00:18:54 [info ] d2dbs_handle_signal: reloading configuartion file due to std::signal
Feb 28 00:18:54 [info ] dbs_server_shutdown_connection: unlock all characters on gs


Feb 28 00:03:23 [info ] dbs_server_loop: accepted connection from , socket 2 .
Feb 28 00:03:23 [info ] dbs_packet_handle: set connection type for gs on socket 2
Feb 28 00:08:24 [info ] dbs_server_shutdown_connection: unlock all characters on gs
Feb 28 00:08:24 [info ] dbs_server_shutdown_connection: close connection to gs on socket 2
Feb 28 00:09:29 [info ] dbs_server_loop: accepted connection from , socket 2 .
Feb 28 00:09:29 [info ] dbs_packet_handle: set connection type for gs on socket 2
Feb 28 00:14:30 [info ] dbs_server_shutdown_connection: unlock all characters on gs
Feb 28 00:14:30 [info ] dbs_server_shutdown_connection: close connection to gs on socket 2
Feb 28 00:15:35 [info ] dbs_server_loop: accepted connection from , socket 2 .
Feb 28 00:15:35 [info ] dbs_packet_handle: set connection type for gs on socket 2
Feb 28 00:18:54 [info ] dbs_server_shutdown_connection: unlock all characters on gs
Feb 28 00:18:54 [info ] dbs_server_shutdown_connection: close connection to gs on socket 2

I do not understand why it does not work, despite the fact that I have followed the instructions step by step

thank you for your efforts

Kind regards

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