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Posts: 4

1 (edited by sksly789 12.03.2020 20:20)

Topic: [Solved]Why PvPGN any player created game,no player can join.

I have some problem, I try to build PvPGN-Pro on VPS(Azure or GCP).

I build success and server can work.

Next, I create room, and call other players try enter  my room. It's work too.

But other player create room, nobody can enter room.(with me)

Only me create room and other can enter room. I don't know why.

They can connect and created but can't join game.

I try to modify bnetd.conf and address_translation.conf, but not improve.

So I think maybe is firewall problem. But I open all port still not improve.

I fetch my bnetd.log , wish can get solution, thanks.
success =I create room, and call other players enter success.
fail =Other player create room , but anyone can't enter room.
2020/3/8 Update

In fact, I found that no one can join the game.

Before they were able to enter because I open Radmin VPN, so they can join game.(My friends with me test)

I found many post, I really sure is "address_translation.conf" problem.

I upload my setting and log, wish somebody can talk me what happen.
my internal IP is , public IP is PUB_IP.

When try change bnetd.conf "w3routeaddr to my PUB_IP, server can't start , so I just undo to
Server can't run log↓

Mar 07 16:49:44 [error] _setup_listensock: could not bind w3route socket to address PUB_IP:6200 TCP (psock_
bind: Cannot assign requested address)

Server can run but can't join game log.↓

Mar 07 20:00:48 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: [22] GAMELISTREPLY sent 1 of 1 games
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: GAMELISTREPLY looking for public games tag="W3XP" bngtype=0x0000e000 g
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] _glist_cb: [22] considering listing game="sd", pass="" clienttag="W3XP" gtype=1
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: checking Player_1_IP:6112 for client Player_2_IP ...
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output network
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: entry does match input address
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output PUB_IP:6200 network
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: entry does match input address
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output network
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: entry does match input address
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output PUB_IP:6118 network
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: entry does match input address
Mar 07 20:00:56 [debug] trans_net: no match found for Player_1_IP:6112 (not translated)
# w3route server ip translation
# input (ip:port)   output (ip:port)   exclude (ip/netmask)    include (ip/netmask)
#----------------- ------------------ ----------------------  ----------------------     PUB_IP:6200           ANY

# Game Translations for clients/games (client data ports)
# input (ip:port)    output (ip:port)    exclude (ip/netmask)    include (ip/netmask)
#-----------------  ------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- PUB_IP:6118 ANY

Finally, my English not good, most words translate by google.

I'm very sorry if you don't understand the content.

But I really want fix setting and make it work stable. Because some player need a place to play.

Studying how to build PvPGN.


Re: [Solved]Why PvPGN any player created game,no player can join.

I try to any way but can't fix problem.

Finally I go to use Windwos Server 2019, and work success with simple setting...

Maybe linux version have some problem.

Studying how to build PvPGN.


Re: [Solved]Why PvPGN any player created game,no player can join.

Same problem. anybody got pvpgn on linux working?

Deployed in a vps using ubuntu 20.04 PvPGN 1.99.8-rc
When I create a game other people can see but cant join.

Also tried ghost++ hosting bot.
Able to interact with the bot and issue commands such as !pub test

Ghost log shows it created the room, but I cant see it in room list and if i use the game name to join then I can see it in the room list.. but still cant join

Is this really a linux problem?


Re: [Solved]Why PvPGN any player created game,no player can join.

pvpgn not host games itself
ghost++ host but need open port selected in bot_hostport = ??? in ghost.cfg
ghost++ can be run on server with pvpgn

+1 Serc

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