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1 (edited by tmuhlhausen 07.03.2020 18:18)

Topic: Disconnecting from char/bnetd server after amount of time in game

this is probably been mentioned more than once.. Basically i just am wondering if there's a setting i can change to stop the disconnection between the two servers while in game.. upon exiting a game, always returned to login

Here is an image to get a better idea of what i mean. basically i think what is happening is the game server will disconnect after a certain amount of in game time. ive tested with different settings to try and get it to remain connected so when exiting a game you don't have to login again. Nothing seem's to correct it, and it's probably something simple i am just not noticing. When this seems to occur the games still showup in the list and are able to be joined but the gamecount goes to 0 like in this picture below. the issue purely is if someone is in a game too long... they are not returned to the lobby instead put back to login.

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