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Posts: 7


Topic: Using DNS in d2cs/d2dbs Confs instead of ip

I'd like to use a domain name with DNS A record in the conf instead of an ip so that if the game server ip needs to change, I dont need to restart pvpgn.

In my experience, if I use and point it to an ip like, it doesnt work. but if use the ip itself then ofc it works.

I was wondering if this is a limitation of pvpgn or if someone knows a way.


Re: Using DNS in d2cs/d2dbs Confs instead of ip

You can use where it's possible, it will listen to all IP addresses on your machine.
Then add A record on your domain to your current server's IP.

Do not ask for support in PM.

3 (edited by GreenDude 06.03.2020 15:39)

Re: Using DNS in d2cs/d2dbs Confs instead of ip

HarpyWar wrote:

You can use where it's possible, it will listen to all IP addresses on your machine.
Then add A record on your domain to your current server's IP.

Thanks for the quick response. I think wasnt very clear. The resulting ip address is the game server ip.

So my d2cs.conf & d2dbs.conf would look something like:

servaddrs        =,

But lets say I want to change to a new ip in this case, i have to edit my conf, put in the new ip and then reboot pvpgn fully. If i could use the then i could just edit my A record without any realm reboot. but pvpgn doenst accept domain names like that only ips for servaddrs in my experience. so i was looking for this convenience somehow.


Re: Using DNS in d2cs/d2dbs Confs instead of ip

Hiya GD - it only accepts IP addresses. I'm sure if some of the code was modified it could use an FQDN.

I assume with PoD - you want the ability to cycle through your GS's without having to restart the whole PvPGN side of things every time things change. I think this would be a nice feature to have going forward for everyone.

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Re: Using DNS in d2cs/d2dbs Confs instead of ip

You can try do it with nginx proxy_pass on d2gs port and refer to nginx server from d2cs/d2dbs.conf.
But DNS update is not immediately, so you will go into a situation when DNS modified but the domain still point to old IP address.

# nginx.conf
stream {
    # tcp
    server {
        listen 4000; proxy_pass;
    # udp
    server {
        listen 4000 udp; proxy_pass;

All the traffic to d2gs will be transferred through the nginx server which adds a delay.

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Re: Using DNS in d2cs/d2dbs Confs instead of ip

Huh, that is an interesting way of doing it Harpy - I like that idea

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Using DNS in d2cs/d2dbs Confs instead of ip

Thanks for the idea. I don't know that I will do that but it is good to know either way.

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