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Posts: 4


Topic: how changue this ?

"A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B" \
ver-IX86-1.mpq \
IX86 \
D2XP \
"Game.exe 05/31/16 19:02:24 3618792" \
0x0000000e \ \
0x43f51a83 \

I need change some character or number for create custom game.exe. Is posible? Ollydbg ?


Re: how changue this ?

set max logging in pvpgn, disable version check, login and check log

3 (edited by tmuhlhausen 07.03.2020 15:22)

Re: how changue this ?

Are you trying to find version check entries for 1.14D?? im currently trying todo the same if so. I feel as though it has something todo with the I86 mpq i am almost positive. due to it last being changed for 1.13C im not sure how hard it would be if even possible to make it work for a 1.14D Client. In theory though, there is a way.


Re: how changue this ?

tmuhlhausen wrote:

Are you trying to find version check entries for 1.14D?? im currently trying todo the same if so. I feel as though it has something todo with the I86 mpq i am almost positive. due to it last being changed for 1.13C im not sure how hard it would be if even possible to make it work for a 1.14D Client. In theory though, there is a way.

Just that!!!

What is the way?

I need make customs entries.

Posts: 4

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