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Posts: 4


Topic: Mod server side

Hello. First I am not a English speaker so sorry for my English. I'm setting a server, it's running, but I try to mod the server. I done the 0% nodrop con single play side and it worked. When I replace the Patch_D2.mpq on the server side I can log but cant create a game. It say waiting in line(Google translated this part). So I assume that gs cant create the games with the new patch.
Patch file is 1.14d, with filelist 1.14.
I need to set a 1.13c to mod?
Thank you.

PD: I am really new in diablo 2 server and the game

2 (edited by hehpe 02.04.2020 09:21)

Re: Mod server side

Drop rates, runewords, cube recipies can be serverside only . If you have any new bosses , levels , new items you have to make client patch too.


Re: Mod server side

Zoregork wrote:

Hello. First I am not a English speaker so sorry for my English. I'm setting a server, it's running, but I try to mod the server. I done the 0% nodrop con single play side and it worked. When I replace the Patch_D2.mpq on the server side I can log but cant create a game. It say waiting in line(Google translated this part). So I assume that gs cant create the games with the new patch.
Patch file is 1.14d, with filelist 1.14.
I need to set a 1.13c to mod?
Thank you.

PD: I am really new in diablo 2 server and the game

I think you can't use 1.14 patch versions with D2GS because it is made for 1.13
You could use 1.13 D2GS with modified 1.13 patch and, the clientside, another modded but 1.14 patch that has the client side necessary mods to work, so you create a "fake" 1.14 realm

Like hehpe said, a lot of modifications could be made server side only, you need just to allow the newer versions to connect

The waiting in line it's because your d2gs isn't up or isn't right configured to connect, check the logs

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Re: Mod server side

Thank you for the replys.
I made it work. It was the MPQEditor that doesn't work fine in Windows 10. I mod with WinMPQ and works. 0%no drop working
Now I have another problem, I modded another time with de Inventory extend and after like 2 minutes on game it close (lost conection).

Added: 04.04.2020 11:42

Second problem solved modding with 1.13 in server and 1.14 in client side. Thank you guys.

Posts: 4

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