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Posts: 6


Topic: How change banner IE for banner Chrome?

How is posible change the configuration of banner.

I need open the banner with Chrome, PVPGN is configurated for open with Internet Explorer.

This depends on MK and RES protocol of Internet Explorer.


Re: How change banner IE for banner Chrome?

It depends on default browser in user OS - this way all programs work when need to open URL in a browser.
Obviously it can not be changed from a server, cause it doesn't know which browsers are installed on a client side.

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Re: How change banner IE for banner Chrome?

Hi Harpy, thanks for answering.
The D2 banner always opens with IE, and is the basic IE.


Re: How change banner IE for banner Chrome?

There are two most common ways to open URL in external browser on Windows




The second always open Internet Explorer. So, looks like Diablo client uses it.

Probably the executable file name is somewhere in game client's MPQ file and it can be changed.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: How change banner IE for banner Chrome?

Any idea where is that? Data.mpq, D2Patch.mpq?


Re: How change banner IE for banner Chrome?

No idea, because the assumption may be wrong.
You can extract all the files from MPQ and try run text search inside all.

Do not ask for support in PM.

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