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Posts: 3

1 (edited by Gilneandog 05.05.2020 06:57)

Topic: Can't connect using 1.13c. unhandled exception error

I've tried two different installation methods. I used the magicbuilder and installed d2gs 1.13c. I also tried using a d2gs 1.13c download and put 1.13c files into the folder. I am using the pvpgn-master-
Whenever I try to connect to a gateway using 1.13c it gives me unhandled exception and the game crashes. I check the version file too and it says 1.13c is there.

I can connect using 1.12 or 1.14d and create games. However, 1.13c always crashes. I even have 1.13c install files in my d2gs folder.
bnetd log: May 04 19:55:12 [error] pvpgn::list_get_length: got NULL list


Re: Can't connect using 1.13c. unhandled exception error

How do you login to the server by 114d?


Re: Can't connect using 1.13c. unhandled exception error

This has been resolved. It was a DEP issue that was preventing connection in 1.13.

This file was added to the folder and run: … EP_fix.bat

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