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Topic: problems with the command

Hi i noticed a command /con problem when i pvpgn on linux want to ask this how to fix it?

bnet  D2XP "user" 1   game1      games1

pvpgn-1.8.5, pvpgn 1.99-svn
bnet  D2XP "user" 1   none      games1

2 (edited by Feofilaktt 06.05.2020 02:25)

Re: problems with the command

Is he presenting the channel name even within a game? That's the problem?

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: problems with the command

Is that a problem if you can tell me how to fix it?


Re: problems with the command

systems wrote:

Is that a problem if you can tell me how to fix it?

Unfortunately, I never saw that. But in my opinion, this is not a problem, but a bug. You can run PvPGN normally without problems with this bug.

Maybe @HarpyWar can tell you why this bug is occurring.

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner

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