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Topic: Nothing in Logs. WAN friends cannot connect.

I have finally gotten a friend to try out my server to no avail. The weird thing is that I can connect to my server, on the server, using my external IP. I can set up a game, create a character and everything. When my friend tries to connect it says unable to connect to server. All my logs do not show that he even attempted to connect. But when he tries the "Check Gateway" option using the BNGatewayEditor program it says he can connect and I can see his IP connect in the bnetd.log! I have used to test if port 6112 is connectable and it is. I even had him disable his firewall to see if that worked to no avail. He is running Windows 7 just like me. I do not understand what the issue is. I cannot even properly diagnose the issue because the log files lack the feedback I need to go searching. Has anyone else had similar issues?

I have posted a tutorial on how to setup a server so if you want to see any conf files please refer to that link!

Added: 16.06.2020 00:34

Ok nevermind! I got it to work! I had to edit my friends registry BNETIP key to match my server IP. Apparently either he didn't utilize the BNGatewayEditor properly or the program did not update its content.

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