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Topic: Diablo 2 game patch and Windows 10

My friend wants in on my Diablo 2 Closed Server. But he cannot update the v1.13c patch. I have him run it in compatibility mode (Windows XP) and as administrator to no avail. Has anyone else has had this issue?


Re: Diablo 2 game patch and Windows 10

NJStaticUser wrote:

My friend wants in on my Diablo 2 Closed Server. But he cannot update the v1.13c patch. I have him run it in compatibility mode (Windows XP) and as administrator to no avail. Has anyone else has had this issue?

As I understand it, your friend must have a 1.14+ version on the computer and the server is configured to accept version 1.13c/d comments.

In that case, you can go two ways.

1) Ask your friend to rollback their version to 1.13c/d. I recommend reinstalling the game from scratch and installing the 1.13c/d patch, because from 1.13 to 1.14, many changes are made to *.DLL's. This causes a lot of conflicts when you try to do this manually.

2) Allow connection to version 1.14+ on the server, releasing the version in versioncheck.json or releasing the server to accept any version.

File: bnetd.conf

allow_bad_version = true
allow_unknown_version = true


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