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Posts: 3

1 (edited by Platin 07.09.2020 20:39)

Topic: [WC3] Custom Login Screen


I'm aware that you can edit icons-WAR3.bni to change and add custom icons. I am also aware that you can actually change the game textures from there, for example changing the login screen to the server. How can you do that?

I already edited the bni and added the folder:

|_ Glues

and added a .blp file converted with Warcraft 3 Viewer, but it doesn't seem to work.

I do have the custom_icons at icons.conf set to true.

What could the problem be? What am I doing wrong?


EDIT: Here is the icons-WAR3.bni i have been using. I should note that the file on my server is icons-WAR3_pm.bni and I already changed it in the conf.

EDIT2: Trying a custom icon I can assure you that it reads it, maybe i'm editing using the wrong name?

Thanks again


Re: [WC3] Custom Login Screen


Re: [WC3] Custom Login Screen

LooL wrote:

Thanks! It's working now

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