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1 (edited by Vahsify 09.04.2021 22:29)

Topic: Проблема с синхронизацией D2GS и PVPGN


Уже несколько недель бьюсь с проблемой, пытался конфигурировать по всем гайдам, по которым только можно, ни разу не произошло соединение. Пытался ставить D2GS 1.09 из PvPGN Magic Builder v2.30 и PvPGN с версией pvpgn-1.8.0rc2_setup.exe. На одной машине запускаются  D2GS с PvPGN.

Конфигурация D2GS в реестре:


# Address Translation table                                                                            #
#                                                                                                      #
# This is a list of ip:port addresses that get translated                                              #
#                                                                                                      #
# The entries are broken into four parts:                                                              #
#                                                                                                      #
# * the IP address w/port to be translated                                                             #
# * the output IP address w/port                                                                       #
# * comma delimited list of networks to be excluded from translation                                   #
# * comma delimited list of networks to be included in translation                                     #
#                                                                                                      #
# Each line must contain all four parts or the entire entry will be rejected                           #
# There are no default ports, make sure input and output includes the port number                      #
#                                                                                                      #
# The entries are searched in the order listed in this file                                            #
# Exclude networks are searched before include networks                                                #
# Only the first matching line is used                                                                 #
# Lines begining with '#' are ignored                                                                  #
#                                                                                                      #
# If no match is found, the input ip will be returned.                                                 #
#                                                                                                      #
# NONE = There are no neworks to exclude/include (just a place holder, no entries will be added)       #
# ANY = All networks will be excluded/included   (same as                                   #
#                                                                                                      #

# w3route server ip (removed from w3trans.conf) (Port 6200)                                            #
#                                                                                                      #
# Set input address the same as the w3routeaddr setting in the bnetd.conf                              #
# Set output address to the address to be sent to war3 clients                                         #
# Set exclude to the range of clients you want to recieve the input address                            #
#    instead of the output address                                                                     #
# Set include to the range of clients you want to recieve the output address                           #
#                                                                                                      #
#   input (ip:port)       output (ip:port)        exclude (ip/netmask)    include (ip/netmask)   #
#---------------------    ----------------------    ----------------------------  -------------------------#

#    NONE      
#        internetip:6200        NONE                ANY

# Game Translations for clients (removed from gametrans.conf) (client data ports)                      #
#                                                                                                      #
# Set input address to the client to be translated                                                     #
# Set output address to the address to be sent to the other clients                                    #
# Set exclude to the range of clients you want to recieve the input address                            #
#    instead of the output address                                                                     #
# Set include to the range of clients you want to recieve the output address                           #
#                                                                                                      #
#   input (ip:port)        output (ip:port)         exclude (ip/netmask)    include (ip/netmask)   #
#---------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------#,    ANY
#    internetip:6118            ANY

# Diablo II Charactar Server (d2cs) - (removed from realm.conf) (Port 6113)                            #
#                                                                                                      #
# Set input address to the ip of d2cs (same as the ip in the realm.conf)                               #
# Set output address to the address to be sent to the clients                                          #
# Set exclude to the range of clients you want to recieve the input address                            #
#    instead of the output address                                                                     #
# Set include to the range of client you want to recieve the output address                            #
#                                                                                                      #
#   input (ip:port)        output (ip:port)         exclude (ip/netmask)    include (ip/netmask)   #
#---------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------#            ANY

# Diablo II Game Server (d2gs) - (removed from d2gstrans.conf) (Port 4000)                             #
#                                                                                                      #
# Set input address to the ip of d2gs (same as the gameservlist in d2cs.conf)                          #
# Set output address to the address to be sent to the clients                                          #
# Set exclude to the range of clients you want to recieve the input address                            #
#    instead of the output address                                                                     #
# Set include to the range of client you want to recieve the output address                            #
#                                                                                                      #
#   input (ip:port)        output (ip:port)         exclude (ip/netmask)    include (ip/netmask)   #
#---------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------#            ANY


# bnetd.conf  -  Configuration file for the Unix daemon           #
#                                                                            #
# This file is an example configuration and may require modification to      #
# suit your needs or your site.  Blank lines and lines starting with a "#"   #
# are ignored.  Use quotes around values that contain spaces.                #
#                                                                            #

# Storage section                                                            #
# storage_path will tell pvpgn how and where from/to to read/write accounts  #
# right now it supports 2 "drivers" : file and sql                           #
#                                                                            #
# Syntax:                                                                    #
# * for plain file driver:                                                   #
#  storage_path = file:mode=plain;dir=<path_to_user_files>;clan=<path_to_clan_files>;team=<path_to_team_files>;default=/path/to/default/account #
# * for cdb file driver:                                                     #
#  storage_path = file:mode=cdb;dir=<path_to_cdb_files>;clan=<path_to_clan_files>;team=<path_to_team_files>;default=/path/to/default/account   #
# * for sql/sql2 driver:                                                     #
#  storage_path = sql:variable=value;...;default=0 (0 is the default uid)    #
# or storage_path = sql2:variable=value;...;default=0 (0 is the default uid) #
#                                                                            #
# Variables for sql/sql2 can be:                                             #
# - "mode" : tells PVPGN the sql mode you will use (mysql/pgsql/etc..)       #
# - "host" : the database host                                               #
# - "port" : the TCP/IP port if needed                                       #
# - "socket" : the UNIX local socket if needed                               #
# - "name" : database name                                                   #
# - "user" : db username                                                     #
# - "pass" : db password                                                     #
# - "default" : specify the UID to use for the default account data          #
# - "prefix" : prefix to use for all pvpgn tables (default "")               #
#                                                                            #
# Examples:                                                                  #
# storage_path = file:mode=plain;dir=var\users;clan=var\clans;team=var\teams\;default=conf\bnetd_default_user.plain
# storage_path = file:mode=cdb;dir=var\userscdb;clan=var\clans;team=var\teams\;default=conf\bnetd_default_user.cdb
# storage_path = sql:mode=mysql;host=;name=PVPGN;user=pvpgn;pass=pvpgnrocks;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql:mode=pgsql;host=;name=pvpgn;user=pvpgn;pass=pvpgnrocks;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql:mode=sqlite3;name=var\users.db;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql:mode=odbc;name=PVPGN;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql2:mode=mysql;host=;name=PVPGN;user=pvpgn;pass=pvpgnrocks;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql2:mode=pgsql;host=;name=pvpgn;user=pvpgn;pass=pvpgnrocks;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql2:mode=sqlite3;name=var\users.db;default=0;prefix=pvpgn_
# storage_path = sql2:mode=odbc;name=PVPGN;prefix=pvpgn_

storage_path = file:mode=plain;dir=var\users;clan=var\clans;team=var\teams\;default=conf\bnetd_default_user.plain      
#                                                                            #

# File section                                                               #
# The pidfile can be set to "" to turn it off.                               #
# Use absolute paths in these lines to avoid problems!                       #

filedir     = files
reportdir   = var\reports
chanlogdir  = var\chanlogs
motdfile    = conf\bnmotd.txt
issuefile   = conf\bnissue.txt
channelfile = conf\channel.conf
newsfile    = conf\news.txt
adfile      = conf\ad.conf
topicfile   = conf\topics.conf
ipbanfile   = conf\bnban.conf
helpfile    = conf\bnhelp.conf
transfile   = conf\address_translation.conf
mpqfile     = conf\autoupdate.conf
logfile     = var\bnetd.log
realmfile   = conf\realm.conf
versioncheck_file = conf\versioncheck.conf
mapsfile    = conf\bnmaps.conf
xplevelfile = conf\bnxplevel.conf
xpcalcfile  = conf\bnxpcalc.conf
#pidfile    = var\
ladderdir    = var\ladders
command_groups_file = conf\command_groups.conf
statusdir   = var\status
aliasfile   = conf\bnalias.conf
anongame_infos_file = conf\anongame_infos.conf
DBlayoutfile = conf\sql_DB_layout.conf
supportfile = conf\supportfile.conf

fortunecmd  = bin\fortune.exe

#                                                                            #

# Message logs                                                               #

# Multiple log levels can be defined by connecting them with a comma (,)
# Available loglevels are:
#   none
#   trace
#   debug
#   info
#   warn
#   error
#   fatal
#loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace
loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace                                                           #

# D2CS realm server settings                                                 #

# Version of D2CS server to connect with (set to zero to disable version check)
d2cs_version = 0

# Allow the D2CS server to change realm names?
allow_d2cs_setname = true

#                                                                            #

# Downloadable files                                                         #

# These filenames are reported directly to the client and are relative to
# the "filedir" directory specified above.
iconfile = "icons.bni"
war3_iconfile = "icons-WAR3.bni"
star_iconfile = "icons_STAR.bni"

tosfile = "tos.txt"

#                                                                            #

# Client verification and upgrades                                           #

# This option lists the client types allowed to connect (only valid for 
# the bnet protocol). The list is a comma separated list of any of the 
# following elements: 
# all  : all client types allowed (default)
# chat : client type "CHAT" allowed (used by some bot software)
# dshr : client type Diablo 1 Shareware
# drtl : client type Diablo 1 (Retail)
# sshr : client type Starcraft Shareware
# star : client type Starcraft
# sexp : client type Starcraft Broodwar
# w2bn : client type Warcraft II Battle.Net Edition
# d2dv : client type Diablo 2
# d2xp : client type Diablo 2 LOD
# war3 : client type Warcraft III (Reign Of Chaos)
# w3xp : client type Warcraft III Frozen Throne
# Example: allowed_clients = war3,w3xp
allowed_clients = d2xp

# If this option is enabled, the verification step is skipped if possible.
# This only works with clients < 109.  It is useful because you no longer
# need any of the IX86AUTH?.MPQ and PMACAUTH?.MPQ files.  Note that it will
# also skip over all the autoupdate checks effectively disabling it.
# If you disable this you must have one or more of the MPQ files.  Otherwise
# clients will hang when they first connect because they are attempting to
# download them.  The versioncheck can only be skipped for clients older
# than 109.  Starting with version 109 the clients will always do version
# checking since they do not function properly if the server does not
# request it.
skip_versioncheck = false

# If you enable the version checks but want to allow clients that don't pass
# the checksum test then enable this.
allow_bad_version = false

# If you enable the version checks but want to allow clients that aren't
# listed in the versioncheck configuration file then enable this.  Unless
# you have a very complete file or are very paranoid about cheaters this
# is a good idea.
allow_unknown_version = true

# This defines how the exeinfo field in the versioncheck file is being
# checked. You can choose between no match at all [none] (default), 
# exact match [exact], exact case-sensitive match [exactcase], dumb wildcard 
# match [wildcard], and parsed value comparison [parse]. 
# NOTE: [parse] needs the mktime() function and might therefore not work on 
# every system. 
version_exeinfo_match = none

# If you have choosen [parse] above, this is the tolerance with which
# the time can differ. The value must be given in seconds. If it's 0 this 
# check is disabled.
version_exeinfo_maxdiff = 0

#                                                                            #

# Time values                                                                #

# Time in seconds between account file updates, 0 means wait forever.
usersync  = 300
# Number of seconds of inactivity before file is unloaded from memory.
# (only checked during account file updates)
userflush = 1200
# Number of users checked for updates at once. Higher values make sense if you 
# either have very fast hardware or you don't have many number of accounts.
# Lower values make sense if you have very high CPU usage on the system you run
# the server (dont make it too low or your system will save accounts continously).
# Modify this value ONLY if you know what you are doing!!
userstep = 100

# How often to send user latency tests in seconds.
latency = 600

# How often to send null or keepalive packets in seconds.
nullmsg = 120

# Amount of time to delay shutting down server in seconds.
shutdown_delay = 300
# Amount of time delay period is decremented by either a SIGTERM or SIGINT
# (control-c) signal in seconds.
shutdown_decr = 60

# How often should bans be checked for expiration? (in seconds)
#ipban_check_int = 30

#                                                                            #

# Policy options                                                             #

# If you don't want people to be able to create new accounts, set this to
# false.
new_accounts = true

# Set this to the maximum number of accounts you want to allow to be
# created on your server. A value of 0 means infinite and is the default.
#max_accounts = 0

# If someone attempts to log in more than once, should it kick off the old
# login, or deny the new one?
kick_old_login = true
#kick_old_login = false
# With no passwords, this is bad to have enabled --NonReal
# load_new_account option has been eliminated and the functionality now is 
# always active in PvPGN

# If a user is creating a new channel, should it be added automatically, or
# prompt them first?
ask_new_channel = true

# Should a game report be written for every game played or just ladder
# games?
#report_all_games = false
report_all_games = true

# Should Diablo I/II reports be written?  There are no winners/losers.
report_diablo_games = false

# Should games with passwords be hidden on the game list?
hide_pass_games = true

# Should games already started be hidden on the game list? (for heavily
# loaded servers)
hide_started_games = true

# Should non-permanent channels hidden on the channel list?
hide_temp_channels = true

# Should the extended /-commands be avaliable? (of course!)
extra_commands = true

# Should any and all disconnects to be counted as losses?
# (Turning this on will override the user's choice in ladder games!)
disc_is_loss = false

# List additional game types to be counted as ladder games
# Curently allowed types: topvbot, melee, ffa, oneonone
# Example: ladder_games = "topvbot,oneonone"
ladder_games = "none"

# If additional game types are configured (see above) to be counted as ladder 
# games then this setting configures a game name prefix to make only games 
# which match this game name prefix be counted as ladder. This allows to 
# still have normal games of the game types configured with "ladder_games" 
# directive. However if this setting is commented or "" then ALL games 
# which match the game types configured with "ladder_games" are to be 
# considered as ladder games. The prefix checking is CASE SENSITIVE!
# Example: ladder_prefix = "ldr_"
ladder_prefix = ""

# Should all users be able to use the /con and /connections commands?
enable_conn_all = true

# Should client IP addresses (from /con, /games, /gameinfo, /netinfo)
# be hidden from non-admins?
hide_addr = false

# Should private channel messages be logged to files in the chanlogdir
# directory? (see channels.list for public channels)
chanlog = false

# Do you want to use the channel quota feature?
quota = yes

# The following options deal with flood prevention.
# How many lines do you accept in quota_time seconds?
# (The default should allow 5 lines in 5 seconds,
# longer time periods allow "bursts" of traffic before the quota is full.)
quota_lines = 5     # must be between 1 and 100 lines
quota_time = 5      # must be between 1 and 60 seconds
# "virtual wrapping", so long lines count as multiple lines
quota_wrapline = 40 # must be between 1 to 256 chars
# absolute maximum characters allowed in a line
quota_maxline = 200 # must be between 1 to 256 chars
# How many lines do you accept in quota_time seconds before user is
# disconnected?
# (According to Jung-woo, Dobae is a Korean term for flooding the game server...
# it originally meant "to paint the wallpaper on a new or refurbished house").
# If it less than or equal to quota_lines, there is no warning before
# disconnection so don't set this too low.
quota_dobae = 10     # must be between 1 and 100 lines

# Mail support
mail_support = true
mail_quota = 5

# Channel logging message
log_notice = "*** Please note this channel is logged! ***"

# Ban on repeated password fails against bruteforce password thieves
# Fails required to get ip banned (0 to disable ban on password fail)
passfail_count = 0

# Password fail IP ban duration (in seconds)
passfail_bantime = 300

# Max users limit in private channels (0 = unlimited)
maxusers_per_channel = 0

#                                                                            #

# Account configuration                                                      #

# Should account files be named by the account number or the player name?
savebyname = true

# Save the account data on logoff
sync_on_logoff = false

# How man rows should the account lookup hash table have?  Servers with
# more accounts should use a larger table for better performance.
hashtable_size = 61

# Per default, only alphanumerical symbols are allowed in account names
# with this variable you can add some extra symbols to be allowed
# but be warned - that some of them might cause trouble - at least with
# savebyname=true (some symbols are forbidden in filenames or might cause
# you real trouble - plz neither allow wildcard symbols like '*' or '?'.
# Path delimiters like '/' or '\' are hardcoded filtered and can't be allowed.
# Also note that allowing the '.' might cause u some headache on win32 systems. 
# You have been warned - the rest is up to you.
# default setting is "-_[]" as it was previous versions
account_allowed_symbols = "-_[]"

# maximum number of friends a user can add to there friends list
# default setting is 20
max_friends = 20

#                                                                            #

# Tracking server info                                                       #

# Set track=0 to disable tracking.  Any other number will set number
# of seconds between sending tracking packets. This is OFF by default.
#track = 0
track = 60
# 10 minutes

# Tracking server(s)
# Use a comma delimited list of hostnames with optional UDP port numbers
# after colons. (port 6114 is the default for the newer tracking protocol)
#trackaddrs = ",localhost:9999"
#trackaddrs = ""

# Change these to match your system, for example:
location = "unknown"
description = "unknown"
url = "unknown"
contact_name = "a PvPGN user"
contact_email = "unknown"

#                                                                            #

# Server network info                                                        #

# Servername by which the server identifies itself (default: "PvPGN Realm")
servername = "PvPGN Realm"

# Set this to the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed on 
# this server (minimum 32). This limit sets a general server connection 
# limit, NOT the concurrent user limit (for that see next option)
max_connections = 1000

# Maximum number of concurrent users (0 means unlimited).
max_concurrent_logins = 0

# Set this option to true to allow TCP to detect and close stale
# connections.
use_keepalive = false

# Limit maximum number of connections per IP (0 = unlimited)
# this feature is new, so no recommended value so far
max_conns_per_IP = 0

# This is a comma delimited list of hostnames that the server should
# listen on.  It might be useful to make an internal-only server on a
# gateway machine for example.  If the list is not set or if it has a
# entry with no host component, the server will bind to that port on all
# interfaces.
#servaddrs = ":9999"
#servaddrs = ",localhost"
servaddrs = "" # default interface (all) and default port (6112)

# Don't change these unless you really need to!  You will need to run a proxy
# or modify the clients.  Also note that these will not change when simply
# sending a HUP signal to the server; they are only read on startup.

# This is the port the server send the UDP test packets to by default.
# Setting it to zero makes the server use the same port as the TCP connection
# comes from. Newer clients can override this setting on a per connection
# basis.
#udptest_port = 6112

# W3 Play Game router address. Just put your server address in here
# or use for server to bind to all interfaces,
# but make sure you set up w3trans if you do.
w3routeaddr = ""

# w3routeshow has been removed.
# see the address_translation.conf for translating the w3route ip for local networks

# initkill_timer sets up a periodic timer on init/defer class connections
# this should detect and clean up stale connections to your server
initkill_timer = 120

#                                                                            #

# Westwood Online (WOL) configuration                                        #

# NOTE: WOL support is still experimental!

# This specifies the addresses where IRC connections should be accepted. See
# the description of servaddrs for formatting information. Leave this field
# blank if you do not want to accept IRC connections.  If the port is not
# specifed then 4005 will be used. Note: DO NOT SET THE PORT TO ANYTHING OTHER
#woladdrs = ":4005"

# Just leave these as default (unless you know the timezone, longitiude and latitude
# of your server
woltimezone = "-8"
wollongitude = "36.1083"
wollatitude = "-115.0582"

#                                                                            #

# Internet Relay Chat (IRC) configuration                                    #

# NOTE: IRC support is still experimental!

# This specifies the addresses where IRC connections should be accepted. See
# the description of servaddrs for formatting information. Leave this field
# blank if you do not want to accept IRC connections.  If the port is not
# specifed then 6667 will be used.
#ircaddrs = ":6667"

# This is the IRC network name. If this is not specified then the default of
# "PvPGN" will be used.
#irc_network_name = "PvPGN"

# This is the hostname used for IRC connections. Set this to your
# hostname, if the automatic detection doesn't correctly.
#hostname = "none"

# Set this to the desired IRC connection timeout in seconds.
#irc_latency = 180

#                                                                            #

# Telnet configuration                                                       #

# This specifies the addresses where telnet connections should be accepted.
# See the description of servaddrs for formatting information. Leave this
# field # blank if you do not want to accept telnet connections.  If the port
# is not specifed then 23 will be used.
#telnetaddrs = ":23"

#                                                                            #

# war3 ladder textual output                                                  #
# this is for all the guys, that want Warcraft 3 ladder, but don't want their
# server to run with MySQL support.
# For each ladder (solo, team, ffa, at) a corresponing file is created,
# so it's easy to build your ladder pages with them

# the following value determines, at which rate, these files are created
# set to 0 if you don't want or need these files
war3_ladder_update_secs = 300

# jfro's latest ladder is based on XML... so we can switch to XML output of ladder
# on demand. Maybe we should set update interval bigger cause XML output version
# is much more verbose than the standard output
XML_output_ladder = false

# server status textual output                                           #
# This is for writing status of the server in an attempt to see number of user
# on line actually, and games/chans.
# This is store in file var\status\warcraft3.dat as a *.ini format.
# Shouldn't be so hard in php to create dynamic website using this content.

# the following value determines, at which rate, these files are created
# set to 0 if you don't want or need these files
output_update_secs = 60

# jfro's latest ladder is based on XML... so we can switch to XML output of ladder
# on demand. Maybe we should set update interval bigger cause XML output version
# is much more verbose than the standard output
XML_status_output = false

# clan settings                                                               #

# Time in hours for a new member of clan to be a newer(Peon icon, cannot premote to Grunt)
# default value 168(7 days). If set to 0, all new members could be promote in no time
clan_newer_time = 0

# max members count allowed in a clan, set between 10&255, default 50.
clan_max_members = 50

# Default clan channel status when create a clan, 1 for private, 0 for public
clan_channel_default_private = 0


# d2cs.conf  -  Configuration file for the diablo2 game control server        #
#                                        #
# This file is an example configuration and may require modification to        #
# suit your needs or your site.  Blank lines and lines starting with a "#"    #
# are ignored.  Use quotes around values that contain spaces.            #
#                                        #

# Server Major Settings                                #
#                                        #
# Your realm server name                            #
realmname        =    "TGW"

# This is a comma delimited list of hostnames that the server should
# listen on.  It might be useful to make an internal-only server on a
# gateway machine for example.  If the list is not set or if it has a
# entry with no host component, the server will bind to that port on all
# interfaces.
# d2cs default listening port is 6113
# WARNING!! DO NOT USE "" or "localhost" !!!
servaddrs        =

# This is a comma delimited list of game servers
# WARNING!! DO NOT USE "" or "localhost" !!!
gameservlist        =

# This is bnetd server address with port 
# bnetd default listening port is 6112
# WARNING!! DO NOT USE "" or "localhost" !!!
bnetdaddr        =

# Set this to the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed on 
# this server.
max_connections = 1000

# This sets the realm to Classic or LOD or Both
# Classic = 0
# LOD = 1
# Both = 2 (default)
lod_realm = 2

# This sets whether you can convert a clasic char to
# an expansion char.
# Allow Convert = 1
# Don't allow Convert = 0
allow_convert = 0

# here u can enter the symbols allowed in accountnames (additional to 
# alphanumerical symbals which are always accepted). please note that
# it is absolutly mandatory that u set up the same symbols here as in
# bnetd.conf or else u wont be able to play D2 with some characters
# (those whose symbols are allowed in bnetd.conf but not here)
# same warnings as in bnetd.conf apply here - be warned - and just
# change something if you know what you are doing
#default setting is "-_[]"
account_allowed_symbols = "-_[]"

#                                        #

# Message logs                                    #
# Multiple log levels can be defined by connecting them with a comma (,)
# Available loglevels are:
#   none
#   trace
#   debug
#   info
#   warn
#   error
#   fatal
#loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info
loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace

#                                        #

# File and Path section                                #
# Use absolute paths in these lines to avoid problems!                #
#                                        #
logfile            =    var\d2cs.log
charsavedir        =    var\charsave
charinfodir        =    var\charinfo
bak_charsavedir        =    var\bak\charsave
bak_charinfodir        =    var\bak\charinfo
ladderdir        =    var\ladders
newbiefile        =    files\
transfile        =    conf\address_translation.conf
d2gsconffile        =    conf\d2server.ini
#                                        #

# Misc                                        #
#                                        #
# Message Of The Day
motd                    =       "" 

# Set to non-zero to allow creation of new realm character
allow_newchar        =    1

# Do you want d2cs to check client for multilogin for security reason?
check_multilogin    =    0

# Maxinum number of character per account
# Max allowed value is 18 (enforced by server)
maxchar            =    8

# Character sorting. Options are: level, mtime, name, none. (none assumed if
# not specified).
#charlist_sort = "none"

# Do we need ascending or descending order for charlist?
#charlist_sort_order = "ASC"

# Maxinum number of games will be shown in join game list
# Zero = infinite
maxgamelist        =    20

# Set to non-zero to allow show all games with difficulty < character difficulty
# Otherwise, only game with difficulty = character difficulty will be shown
gamelist_showall    =    0

# Maxinum time in seconds that a user can idle
# Zero = infinite
idletime        =    3600

# Amount of time to delay shutting down server in seconds.
shutdown_delay        =    300

# Amount of time delay period is decremented by either a SIGTERM or SIGINT
# (control-c) signal in seconds.
shutdown_decr        =    60

# Internal System Settings                            #
# You may just ignore them and use the default value                #
# How often will the server purge all list to clean unused data (in seconds)
listpurgeinterval    =    300

# How often will the server check game queues (in seconds)
gqcheckinterval        =    60

# How often will the server retry to connect to bnetd 
# when connection lost (in seconds)
s2s_retryinterval    =    10

# How long time the s2s connection will timeout 
s2s_timeout        =    10

# How often the server will check server queues for expired data
sq_checkinterval    =    300

# How long time will a server queue data expire
sq_timeout        =    300

# Game serer binary files checksum, use zero to skip this checking
d2gs_checksum        =    0

# Game server version, use zero to skip this checking
d2gs_version        =    0

# Game server password
d2gs_password        =    "pvpgnrocks"

# Maxinum number of second that a game will be shown on list( zero = infinite )
game_maxlifetime    =    0

# A game will be automatically destroied after how long time idle
max_game_idletime    =    0

# Allow Limitation created game with password, player number or level limit?
allow_gamelimit        =    1

# Ladder refresh time
ladder_refresh_interval =    3600

# server to server connection max idle time in seconds
s2s_idletime        =    300

# server to server connection keepalive interval
s2s_keepalive_interval    =    60

# all connection timeout check interval
timeout_checkinterval    =    60

# game server restart interval
# when sending SIGUSR2 signal to your d2cs this issues a restart
# of all connected d2gs after d2gs_restart_delay seconds
d2gs_restart_delay    =    300

# ladder start time
# format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
# be carefull:
# all chars created before this date will revert to non-ladder chars
ladder_start_time    =    ""

# number of days before a char expires (default 0=unlimited)
char_expire_day        =    0



# d2dbs.conf  -  Configuration file for the Diablo2 Game database server    #
#                                        #
# This file is an example configuration and may require modification to        #
# suit your needs or your site.  Blank lines and lines starting with a "#"    #
# are ignored.  Use quotes around values that contain spaces.            #
#                                        #

# Server Major Settings                                #
# This is a comma delimited list of hostnames that the server should
# listen on.  It might be useful to make an internal-only server on a
# gateway machine for example.  If the list is not set or if it has a
# entry with no host component, the server will bind to that port on all
# interfaces.
# dbs default listening port is 6114
# WARNING!! DO NOT USE "" or "localhost" !!!
servaddrs    =

# This is a comma delimited list of game servers
# WARNING!! DO NOT USE "" or "localhost" !!!
gameservlist    =

#                                        #

# Message logs                                                                  #
# Multiple log levels can be defined by connecting them with a comma (,)
# Available loglevels are:
#   none
#   trace
#   debug
#   info
#   warn
#   error
#   fatal
#loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info
loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace

#                                                                               #

# File and Path section                                #
# Use absolute paths in these lines to avoid problems!                #
logfile        =    var\d2dbs.log
logfile-gs    =    var\d2dbs-gs.log
charsavedir    =    var\charsave
charinfodir    =    var\charinfo
ladderdir    =    var\ladders
bak_charsavedir    =    var\bak\charsave
bak_charinfodir    =    var\bak\charinfo
#                                        #

# Misc                                        #
#                                        #
# Ladder save interval
laddersave_interval    =    3600

# Time that allow characters create after it insert into ladder
# These code should be rewritted to support string formmated time
ladderinit_time        =    0

# create extra ladder file in XML format that can be parsed more easy
# 0 = turn extra output off (default)
# 1 = turn on the XML output
XML_ladder_output       =       0

# Amount of time to delay shutting down server in seconds.
shutdown_delay          =       360

# Amount of time delay period is decremented by either a SIGTERM or SIGINT
# (control-c) signal in seconds.
shutdown_decr           =       60

# connection max idle time in seconds
idletime        =    300

# connection keep alive interval
keepalive_interval    =    60

# connection time out check interval
timeout_checkinterval    =    60

# experience threshold, minimum experience needed to register on the ladder
ladderupdate_threshold    =    0

# What chars will be added to ladder?
# 0 = ladder and non-ladder chars
# 1 = only ladder chars
ladder_chars_only    =    1

# This setting activates a workaround for the well known "Lvl 100" bug.
# It should be activated for mods where the max level is greater than 99.
# Activating this should work for mods with any max level
# If level is greater than 255, it will be set to 255
# 0 = deactivated
# 1 = activated
difficulty_hack         =       0

#                                        #


# realm.list  -  List of Diablo II Realms                    #
#                                        #
# Realms are areas that hold closed characters and games.            #
# Users are given this list of realms to choose from when            #
# creating a new character.  Next time the character is                #
# used, they will automatically join the same realm.                #
#                                        #
# The realm server runs on port 6113 by default.                #
# If you do not specify a port number, it will use this by default.        #
#                                        #
# <realmname> : the realm name (mandatory; must start and end with " )        #
# <description> : the realm description (optional; must start and end with " )    #
# ip:port - actual ip the d2cs server is running on (mandatory)            #
#                                            #
# --- realm name ---    --- description ---    --- real address ---        #
#    (mandatory)        (optional)             (mandatory)        #
#   "<realmname>"     ["<description>"]          <ip:port>            #
#                                        #


# example (having a d2cs server running on IP
"TGW"            "The Grapes of Wrath"

С уважением умоляю о помощи.

Добавлено: 09.04.2021 03:36

Все службы запущены, D2GS.exe тоже, D2GS 1.10 работает нормально, а 1.09 ни в какую не хочет.

Логи D2GS:

04/09 03:52:59.097 D2GEThread: Server Thread 3792 Created
04/09 03:53:00.114 D2GEThread: Game Server Thread Start Successfully
04/09 03:53:00.114 D2GSResetGameList: End all game in the Game List and in the GE
04/09 03:53:00.114 watchdog_init: CreateThread watchdog_thread, 5092
04/09 03:53:00.114 main: Entering Main Server Loop
04/09 03:53:00.114 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Connected to D2DBS Successfully
04/09 03:53:00.114 D2GSSendClassToD2DBS: Send connection class packet to D2DBS
04/09 03:53:10.114 D2GSConnectToD2xS: Connected to D2CS Successfully
04/09 03:53:10.114 D2GSSendClassToD2CS: Send connection class packet to D2CS
04/09 03:53:20.118 D2GSNetRecvPacket: CS socket become writable
04/09 03:53:20.118 D2GSNetRecvPacket: DBS socket become writable

Логи D2CS:

Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] app_main: D2CS Version Built Jul  9 2018
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2gs_create: added game server (id: 1) to list
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2ladder_readladder: ladder file loaded successfully (28 types 35 maxtype)
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2ladder_init: ladder data initialized
Apr 09 03:49:47 [debug] pvpgn::trans_load: non d2gs input (ignoring) ""
Apr 09 03:49:47 [debug] pvpgn::trans_load: non d2gs input (ignoring) ""
Apr 09 03:49:47 [debug] pvpgn::trans_load: Adding Host ->, Output ->, Network - (exclude)
Apr 09 03:49:47 [debug] pvpgn::trans_load: Adding Host ->, Output ->, Network - (include)
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::trans_load: trans file loaded
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::FDWSelectBackend::FDWSelectBackend: fdwatch select() based layer initialized (max 1000 sockets)
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] app_main: server initialized
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2cs_server_process: network initialized
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2cs_conn_create: created session=1 socket=488 (1 current connections)
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::server_listen: listen on
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2cs_server_process: entering server loop
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::conn_handle_connecting: connected to
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::handle_bnetd_init: sent init class packet to bnetd
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::on_bnetd_authreq: received bnetd sessionnum 0
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::on_bnetd_authreply: authed by bnetd
Apr 09 03:49:47 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2ladder_readladder: ladder file loaded successfully (28 types 35 maxtype)
Apr 09 03:50:15 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::server_accept: accept connection from
Apr 09 03:50:15 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2cs_conn_create: created session=2 socket=504 (2 current connections)
Apr 09 03:50:15 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::on_d2gs_initconn: [504] client initiated d2gs connection
Apr 09 03:50:15 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::handle_d2gs_init: sent init packet to d2gs 1 (sessionnum=2)
Apr 09 03:52:49 [warn ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2gs_deactive: game server 1 is not actived yet
Apr 09 03:52:49 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2cs_conn_destroy: [504] closed connection 2 (1 left)
Apr 09 03:53:10 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::server_accept: accept connection from
Apr 09 03:53:10 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::d2cs_conn_create: created session=3 socket=504 (2 current connections)
Apr 09 03:53:10 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::on_d2gs_initconn: [504] client initiated d2gs connection
Apr 09 03:53:10 [info ] pvpgn::d2cs::handle_d2gs_init: sent init packet to d2gs 1 (sessionnum=3)

Добавлено: 10.04.2021 03:25

А все решалось очень легко, нужны были файлы для поддержки именно 1.09. Скачать файлы можно здесь: … 20support/

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