Topic: Can't connect outside of LAN
I'm having trouble making my server available outside my LAN.
When I start the server, I am able to log into it via my internal IP, but I am not able to log into it using the external IP. Is there something specific that you're supposed to edit to allow your server to be available to the public?
I've forwarded ports 6112-6119, 4000, and 16112 and allowed them through the firewall. Compatability mode is set to Windows XP3. Right now, I'm testing this with Warcraft 2.
I imagine I probably need to do something here in bnetd.conf:
#servaddrs = ":9999"
#servaddrs = ",localhost"
servaddrs = ":" # default interface (all) and default port (6112)
I've tried putting in my external IP with port 6112. as well as port 16112, but I get an error message of "pvpgn::bnetd::_setup_listensock: could not bind bnet socket to address" each time
I've been able to previously host servers for non-Blizzard games, so I don't think it's an internet issues, for whatever that's worth.