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Topic: [help]How setting The charsave files size more than 8k(8192)

My English Is Not Good.
I have My own PVPGN+D2GS server.  and play with my firends.
I mod big stash、charbag and the transmute box.
If the Items is too much,and the Charsave file big than 8k,then offline and online will lost some Items.

and I find some fix 8k patch in client side D2Game.dll。。If I use it on Server,It will get some error.

so,Can somebody help me? Thank you.


Re: [help]How setting The charsave files size more than 8k(8192)

Performing a quick search on d2mods, you find topics reporting that it is not easy to perform the recoding of the function that deals with the save files, because the 8KB e is a constant encoded and embedded in the code.

Some report that it is even easier to create an extended charsave.

I leave you these two topics talking about the subject:

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