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Topic: My friends can't connect to my PvPGN WC3 server from internet.

Hello. I have managed to mount the PvPGN server but it is only accessible from the LAN network and not from the internet. I've been trying for 3 weeks, I looked for information everywhere but I couldn't solve it. The ports are open on the router. I even tried adding the server to the DMZ zone and it still doesn't work. Somebody could help me? Thanks.

Added: 31.03.2022 00:01

futuraspjohn wrote:

Hello. I have managed to mount the PvPGN server but it is only accessible from the LAN network and not from the internet. I've been trying for 3 weeks, I looked for information everywhere but I couldn't solve it. The ports are open on the router. I even tried adding the server to the DMZ zone and it still doesn't work. Somebody could help me? Thanks.

Hello. I solve it. I needed to open the UDP ports in addition to the TCP ones. Thank you all!!! smile smile smile


Re: My friends can't connect to my PvPGN WC3 server from internet.

but wc3 dont use UDP hmm

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