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Posts: 2


Topic: Cant join game(SC)

I can login and create game.
but other one cant join the game.
The game status is red.

Added: 19.05.2022 18:51

youlix wrote:

I can login and create game.
but other one cant join the game.
The game status is red.

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2 (edited by sc_yyds 28.03.2023 19:09)

Re: Cant join game(SC)

Hi guys,

i have a similarly problem. i built the pvpgn server on a Debian vps as the instructions
the gateway like this:
    set title=SC
    set address=public ip
    set timezone=8
    set starcraft=true
    set warcraft3=false
    set diablo2=false
my friends and i can load the server and chat with others. but anyone create a game(sc) , others can not join it, it always prompt the no respond  due to high latency window. so i checked the ping to the server, when the game is created ,the ping from host to server is like 100, and in chat room the ping is like 40.

So i build pvpng server on another vps nearby my location. check this issue by my laptop and a pc.  in chat room the ping is  like 10.  if i created a game on pc,  the ping from pc to server is  36.   but  no luck, when i join the game from laptop, it showed the same high latency window.

i have opened the ports 6112~6114, 6200, 4000,8888,16112.

the mostly showed error in log is like this:

Mar 28 22:38:03 [info ] conn_destroy: [24] closed bnet connection
Mar 28 22:38:17 [error] list_get_length: got NULL list
Mar 28 22:38:17 [debug] _client_readmemory: [23] Received READMEMORY packet with Request ID: 99 and Memory size: 2
Mar 28 22:38:46 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [21] got udpping unknown1=166260593
Mar 28 22:38:47 [info ] _client_closegame: [23] client closing game

pls let me know if anyone have any ideas about this.

thank you in advance!

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