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1 (edited by neverstop 28.02.2023 23:28)

Topic: linux version please ?

I would like to install a PvPGN warcraft 3 server(dota) on linux system but which is suitable for it. I found a rented server they provide some different operating systems which are listed down below:

AlmaLinux 8 [64 bit] 
AlmaLinux 9 [64 bit] 
CentOS 7 minimal [64 bit] 
Debian 10 (Buster) minimal [64 bit] 
Debian 11 (Bullseye) minimal [64 bit] 
Rocky Linux 8 [64 bit] 
Rocky Linux 9 [64 bit] 
Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) LTS minimal [64bit] 
Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) LTS minimal [64bit] 
Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) LTS minimal [64bit]

Please any advices about it. My plan is to install PvPGN warcraft 3 server(dota) + Bots + web site on this.
Please share any idea or any address with me. I am really new
Thank you so much


Re: linux version please ?

I would recommend Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10, in that order.

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