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Posts: 3


Topic: [HELP] modify news.txt , /c msg

hallo harpywar...
please helpme..

how to setup so that news becomes february, 2016?
and there is only one news from my server

and how to setup / c msg <text>
in order to appear like a / f msg <text>
what code needs to be edited on command.cpp?

thanks a lot


Re: [HELP] modify news.txt , /c msg

NightMan wrote:

how to setup so that news becomes february, 2016?

Try changing date of file where it is saved.


Re: [HELP] modify news.txt , /c msg

my question seems like NightMan

and there is only one news from my server

anyone can tell us how to make like this ?

so if someone join my server, the news show just only one

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