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Posts: 6

1 (edited by Saptago 12.07.2012 06:56)

Topic: Bnet Allias

Any one can help me to modify bnet allias ...
I want to make like this image :

Any one suggest ??
Thx before

       //doubt //dt //d
       [0]/me looks with doubt
       [1+]/me looks at ${1-} with doubt
       //numusers //nu
       [0]%IThere are %u users online.
       [0]%IThere are %g games online.
       [0]%IThere are %c channels online.
       [1+]%EThat command does not take any arguments.
       //askban //ab
       [2+]/w $1 Please ban ${2-}.
       //statsme //sm
       [0]/stats %u
       [*]/announce PVPGN rulez!!

Thx before


Re: Bnet Allias

There are just aliases relating to commands that exist. Syntax is simple and it's documented in comments of the file bnalias.conf.

For instance:

//gadget //g
[1+]/help $1
//online //o
[1+]/whois $1

Usage example:

//gadget /msg
//o username

Some commands listed on the screenshot doesn't exist in a pvpgn.

Do not ask for support in PM.

3 (edited by Saptago 14.07.2012 17:44)

Re: Bnet Allias

HarpyWar wrote:

There are just aliases relating to commands that exist. Syntax is simple and it's documented in comments of the file bnalias.conf.

For instance:

//gadget //g
[1+]/help $1
//online //o
[1+]/whois $1

Usage example:

//gadget /msg
//o username

Some commands listed on the screenshot doesn't exist in a pvpgn.

I want to delete @ when i type // , i want display like //status not @ //status

do you understand the meaning of my question?


Re: Bnet Allias

Saptago wrote:

I want to delete @ when i type // , i want display like //status not @ //status

do you understand the meaning of my question?

Yes I do now.
Look at the function list_aliases in src/bnetd/alias_command.cpp
Remove unused code and it should looks like this:

static int list_aliases(t_connection * c)
    t_elem const *  elem1;
    t_elem const *  elem2;
    t_alias const * alias;
    t_output *      output;
    char            temp[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];

    message_send_text(c,message_type_info,c,"Alias list:");
    if (!(alias = (t_alias*)elem_get_data(elem1)))

    return 0;
Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Bnet Allias

HarpyWar wrote:
Saptago wrote:

I want to delete @ when i type // , i want display like //status not @ //status

do you understand the meaning of my question?

Yes I do now.
Look at the function list_aliases in src/bnetd/alias_command.cpp
Remove unused code and it should looks like this

static int list_aliases(t_connection * c)
    t_elem const *  elem1;
    t_elem const *  elem2;
    t_alias const * alias;
    t_output *      output;
    char            temp[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];

    message_send_text(c,message_type_info,c,"Alias list:");
    if (!(alias = (t_alias*)elem_get_data(elem1)))

    return 0;

so I must build Pvpgn again to solve this problem with edit bnetallias handle ??
OK i will try this and give result for you harpy ..

Thx before


Re: Bnet Allias

thx harpywar

it works

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