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Posts: 4


Topic: block topaz chat

Hello I am new to the server and wanted to see if you can tell me how to block the entrance for people who come to chat and topaz that can come only administrators and server operators topaz chat with this program I hope your answer and help as that PvPGN forum did not help anything, thanks for your time and help. big_smile


Re: block topaz chat

Hello, please use some punctuations, it's hard to read your text.

You want only ops and administrators be able to use topaz chat?


Re: block topaz chat

xpeh wrote:

Hello, please use some punctuations, it's hard to read your text.

You want only ops and administrators be able to use topaz chat?

Hello I am new to the forum. wanted to see if you can tell me how to block the entrance to the PvPGN server with the program, "topaz chat", I hope your answer and help that PvPGN forum did not help me at all, thanks for your time and help.

I forgot and has only allow entry to the PvPGN server operators and adiministradores with the program, "topaz chat"


Re: block topaz chat

Topaz chat uses "bot" (chat) protocol.

If you want only some users to be able to use this protocol:
- set BNET\auth\botlogin=false for all existing users and for default user (bnetd_default_user.plain if you have users in text files, SQL defaults if you use any of SQL databases)
- set it to true for all users you want to be able to use topaz chat.

This doesn't affect chat clients that use protocol like stealth bot.

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