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Posts: 4


Topic: how to make anti-flood

someone could help me avoid this in the server, eg:

Thanks for your help and time.


Re: how to make anti-flood

Flood protection for a channel chat is in bnetd.conf

# Do you want to use the channel quota feature?
quota = yes
# The following options deal with flood prevention.
# How many lines do you accept in quota_time seconds?
# (The default should allow 5 lines in 5 seconds,
# longer time periods allow "bursts" of traffic before the quota is full.)
quota_lines = 5     # must be between 1 and 100 lines
quota_time = 5      # must be between 1 and 60 seconds
# "virtual wrapping", so long lines count as multiple lines
quota_wrapline = 40 # must be between 1 to 256 chars
# absolute maximum characters allowed in a line
quota_maxline = 200 # must be between 1 to 256 chars
# How many lines do you accept in quota_time seconds before user is
# disconnected?
# (According to Jung-woo, Dobae is a Korean term for flooding the game server...
# it originally meant "to paint the wallpaper on a new or refurbished house").
# If it less than or equal to quota_lines, there is no warning before
# disconnection so don't set this too low.
quota_dobae = 10     # must be between 1 and 100 lines

A pvpgn code patch that applies flood protection to all server commands starting with slash (/msg, /f, etc.) … bf255ba72e

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: how to make anti-flood

As far as i see, this fix only warns, it doesn't disconnect or ban?


Re: how to make anti-flood

xpeh wrote:

As far as i see, this fix only warns, it doesn't disconnect or ban?

That's right

Do not ask for support in PM.

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