Topic: New Icons Not work
why different icon in the chat with a profile??
pvpgn sometimes experienced a fatal error when an open profile.
PvPGN Community Forums | → [EN] Warcraft → New Icons Not work
why different icon in the chat with a profile??
pvpgn sometimes experienced a fatal error when an open profile.
animated portraits are part of warcraft mpq file, if you change the icon added to icons-war3.bni portrait is defaulted, the icon will changes only the channel
animated portraits are part of warcraft mpq file, if you change the icon added to icons-war3.bni portrait is defaulted, the icon will changes only the channel
how to profile?
As I know this is not possible, in your profile displays only icons available for the race (human, undead, etc.) or tournaments
how to displays raigor ini profile??
Added: 31.12.2012 17:55 → [EN] Warcraft → New Icons Not work