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Topic: Connect pvpgn database to wordpress

I wrote another topic about this, but it was before i found a plugin to convert sha1 or md5 to wordpress sha2 hash. But i noticed that pvpgn uses pvpgn xsha1. I would like to know if there's any way to use sha1 or md5 in pvpgn. Today i thought a posibility of trigger a función that create another column with md5 or sha1 pass and the website takes data from there. But i would like to know if there is something less complex. I will appreciate any help you can provide me. Thanks.


Re: Connect pvpgn database to wordpress

xHomerOx wrote:

I wrote another topic about this, but it was before i found a plugin to convert sha1 or md5 to wordpress sha2 hash. But i noticed that pvpgn uses pvpgn xsha1. I would like to know if there's any way to use sha1 or md5 in pvpgn. Today i thought a posibility of trigger a función that create another column with md5 or sha1 pass and the website takes data from there. But i would like to know if there is something less complex. I will appreciate any help you can provide me. Thanks.

If the registration is through pvpgn

Login site
if(empty($mysqli['user_pass']) && $password == pvpgn_hash::get_hash($mysqli['acct_passhash1'])){
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO wp_users (user_pass) VALUES ('".wp_hash_password($password)."')");

But it's better to change md5 to pvpgn_hash::get_hash in wordpress


Re: Connect pvpgn database to wordpress

Miki wrote:

But it's better to change md5 to pvpgn_hash::get_hash in wordpress

Hi @Miki,

I am interested in getting this merger between DB PvPGN -> DB Website(Phpbb)..

But I just wanted to logged in to the site with the user/password of PvPGN(xsha1).

In case the site would be disabled for account register and would only take the DB PvPGN data for Login.
(Account register PvPGN only)

It would be possible? It seems to be simple, as I just want to change the Authentication/Login on the Site to xsha1, but I do not know how to do it...

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: Connect pvpgn database to wordpress

Feofilaktt wrote:
Miki wrote:

But it's better to change md5 to pvpgn_hash::get_hash in wordpress

Hi @Miki,

I am interested in getting this merger between DB PvPGN -> DB Website(Phpbb)..

But I just wanted to logged in to the site with the user/password of PvPGN(xsha1).

In case the site would be disabled for account register and would only take the DB PvPGN data for Login.
(Account register PvPGN only)

It would be possible? It seems to be simple, as I just want to change the Authentication/Login on the Site to xsha1, but I do not know how to do it...

I use version phpbb 3.2.2
Add xsha1, open file phpbb/passwords/manager.php and after the function check_combined_hash on line 406 add this code

    * Check supplied password against hash and set convert_flag if password
    * needs to be converted to different format (preferrably newer one)
    * @param string $password Password that should be checked
    * @param string $hash Stored hash
    * @param array    $user_row User's row in users table
    * @return string|bool True if password is correct, false if not
    public function check($password, $hash, $user_row = array())
        if (strlen($password) > 4096)
            // If the password is too huge, we will simply reject it
            // and not let the server try to hash it.
            return false;

        // Empty hashes can't be checked
        if (empty($hash))
            return false;


        // First find out what kind of hash we're dealing with
        $stored_hash_type = $this->detect_algorithm($hash);
        if ($stored_hash_type == false)
            // Still check MD5 hashes as that is what the installer
            // will default to for the admin user
            return $this->get_algorithm('$H$')->check($password, $hash);

        // Multiple hash passes needed
        if (is_array($stored_hash_type))
            $correct = $this->check_combined_hash($password, $stored_hash_type, $hash);
            $this->convert_flag = ($correct === true) ? true : false;
            return $correct;

        if ($stored_hash_type->get_prefix() !== $this->type)
            $this->convert_flag = true;
            if ($stored_hash_type instanceof driver\rehashable_driver_interface)
                $this->convert_flag = $stored_hash_type->needs_rehash($hash);
                $this->convert_flag = false;

        // Check all legacy hash types if prefix is $CP$
        if ($stored_hash_type->get_prefix() === '$CP$')
            // Remove $CP$ prefix for proper checking
            $hash = substr($hash, 4);

            foreach ($this->type_map as $algorithm)
                if ($algorithm->is_legacy() && $algorithm->check($password, $hash, $user_row) === true)
                    return true;

        return $stored_hash_type->check($password, $hash);

    * Create combined hash from already hashed password
    * @param string $password_hash Complete current password hash
    * @param string $type Type of the hashing algorithm the password hash
    *        should be combined with
    * @return string|bool Combined password hash if combined hashing was
    *        successful, else false
    public function combined_hash_password($password_hash, $type)

        $data = array(
            'prefix' => '$',
            'settings' => '$',
        $hash_settings = $this->helper->get_combined_hash_settings($password_hash);
        $hash = $hash_settings[0];

        // Put settings of current hash into data array
        $stored_hash_type = $this->detect_algorithm($password_hash);
        $this->helper->combine_hash_output($data, 'prefix', $stored_hash_type->get_prefix());
        $this->helper->combine_hash_output($data, 'settings', $stored_hash_type->get_settings_only($password_hash));

        // Hash current hash with the defined types
        foreach ($type as $cur_type)
            if (isset($this->algorithms[$cur_type]))
                $new_hash_type = $this->algorithms[$cur_type];
                $new_hash_type = $this->get_algorithm($cur_type);

            if (!$new_hash_type)
                return false;

            $new_hash = $new_hash_type->hash(str_replace($stored_hash_type->get_settings_only($password_hash), '', $hash));
            $this->helper->combine_hash_output($data, 'prefix', $new_hash_type->get_prefix());
            $this->helper->combine_hash_output($data, 'settings', substr(str_replace('$', '\\', $new_hash_type->get_settings_only($new_hash, true)), 0));
            $hash = str_replace($new_hash_type->get_settings_only($new_hash), '', $this->helper->obtain_hash_only($new_hash));
        return $this->helper->combine_hash_output($data, 'hash', $hash);

    * Check combined password hash against the supplied password
    * @param string $password Password entered by user
    * @param array $stored_hash_type An array containing the hash types
    *                as described by stored password hash
    * @param string $hash Stored password hash
    * @return bool True if password is correct, false if not
    public function check_combined_hash($password, $stored_hash_type, $hash)
        $i = 0;
        $data = array(
            'prefix' => '$',
            'settings' => '$',
        $hash_settings = $this->helper->get_combined_hash_settings($hash);
        foreach ($stored_hash_type as $key => $hash_type)
            $rebuilt_hash = $this->helper->rebuild_hash($hash_type->get_prefix(), $hash_settings[$i]);
            $this->helper->combine_hash_output($data, 'prefix', $key);
            $this->helper->combine_hash_output($data, 'settings', $hash_settings[$i]);
            $cur_hash = $hash_type->hash($password, $rebuilt_hash);
            $password = str_replace($rebuilt_hash, '', $cur_hash);
        return ($hash === $this->helper->combine_hash_output($data, 'hash', $password));
    private static function str2blks_pvpgn($str) {
        $nblk = ((strlen($str) + 8) >> 6) + 1;
        for($i = 0; $i < $nblk * 16; $i++) {
            $blks[$i] = 0;
        for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
            $blks[$i >> 2] |= ord(substr($str,$i,1)) << (($i % 4) * 8);
        return $blks;
    private static function safe_add($x,$y) {
        $lsw = ($x & 0xFFFF) + ($y & 0xFFFF);
        $msw = ($x >> 16) + ($y >> 16) + ($lsw >> 16);
        return ($msw << 16) | ($lsw & 0xFFFF);
    private static function safe_not($num) {
        $lsw = (~($num & 0xFFFF)) & 0xFFFF;
        $msw = (~($num >> 16)) & 0xFFFF;
        return ($msw << 16) | $lsw;
    private static function safe_rol($num,$amt) {
        $leftmask = 0xffff | (0xffff << 16);
        $leftmask <<= 32 - $amt;
        $rightmask = 0xffff | (0xffff << 16);
        $rightmask <<= $amt;
        $rightmask = self::safe_not($rightmask);
        $remains = $num & $leftmask;
        $remains >>= 32 - $amt;
        $remains &= $rightmask;
        $res = ($num << $amt) | $remains;
        return $res;
    private static function ft($t,$b,$c,$d) {
        if($t < 20) {
            return ($b & $c) | ((self::safe_not($b)) & $d);
        if($t < 40) {
            return $d ^ $c ^ $b;
        if($t < 60) {
            return ($c & $b) | ($d & $c) | ($d & $b);
        return $d ^ $c ^ $b;
    private static function kt($t) {
        if($t < 20) {
            return 0x5a82 << 16 | 0x7999;
        elseif($t < 40) {
            return 0x6ed9 << 16 | 0xeba1;
        elseif($t < 60) {
            return 0x8f1b << 16 | 0xbcdc;
        else {
            return 0xca62 << 16 | 0xc1d6;
    public static function get_hash($str) {
        // Fix for Unicode support by Naki-BoT
        for($i = 0;$i < strlen($str);$i++) {
            // PvPGN hash is case insensitive but only for ASCII characters
            if(ord($str[$i]) < 128) {
                $str[$i] = strtolower($str[$i]);
        $x = self::str2blks_pvpgn($str);
        $a = 0x6745 << 16 | 0x2301;
        $b = 0xefcd << 16 | 0xab89;
        $c = 0x98ba << 16 | 0xdcfe;
        $d = 0x1032 << 16 | 0x5476;
        $e = 0xc3d2 << 16 | 0xe1f0;    
        for($i = 0; $i < count($x); $i += 16) {
            $olda = $a;
            $oldb = $b;
            $oldc = $c;
            $oldd = $d;
            $olde = $e;
            for($j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) {
                $w[$j] = $x[$i + $j];
            for($j = 0; $j < 64; $j++) {
                $ww = $w[$j] ^ $w[$j + 8] ^ $w[$j + 2] ^ $w[$j + 13];
                $w[$j + 16] = 1 << ($ww % 32);
            for($j = 0; $j < 80; $j++) {
                if($j < 20) {
                    $t = self::safe_add(self::safe_add(self::safe_rol($a,5),
                else {
                    $t = self::safe_add(self::safe_add(self::safe_rol($t,5),
                $e = $d;
                $d = $c;
                $c = self::safe_rol($b,30);
                $b = $a;
                $a = $t;
            // Fix for 64-bit OS by Pada
            $a = (self::safe_add($t,$olda) & 0xffffffff);
            $b = (self::safe_add($b,$oldb) & 0xffffffff);
            $c = (self::safe_add($c,$oldc) & 0xffffffff);
            $d = (self::safe_add($d,$oldd) & 0xffffffff);
            $e = (self::safe_add($e,$olde) & 0xffffffff);
        return sprintf("%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x",$a&0xffffffff,$b&0xffffffff,$c&0xffffffff,$d&0xffffffff,$e&0xffffffff);

Registration - xsha1, open file in includes/ucp/ucp_register.php and on line 388 replace

'user_password'            => $passwords_manager->hash($data['new_password']),


'user_password'            => $passwords_manager->get_hash($data['new_password']),

Login xsha1, open file  in phpbb/auth/provider/db.php find code and replace

        // Check password ...
        if ($this->passwords_manager->check($password, $row['user_password'], $row))
            // Check for old password hash...
            if ($this->passwords_manager->convert_flag || strlen($row['user_password']) == 32)
                $hash = $this->passwords_manager->hash($password);

                // Update the password in the users table to the new format
                $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . "
                    SET user_password = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($hash) . "'
                    WHERE user_id = {$row['user_id']}";

                $row['user_password'] = $hash;

            $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . LOGIN_ATTEMPT_TABLE . '
                WHERE user_id = ' . $row['user_id'];

            if ($row['user_login_attempts'] != 0)
                // Successful, reset login attempts (the user passed all stages)
                $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
                    SET user_login_attempts = 0
                    WHERE user_id = ' . $row['user_id'];

            // User inactive...
            if ($row['user_type'] == USER_INACTIVE || $row['user_type'] == USER_IGNORE)
                return array(
                    'status'        => LOGIN_ERROR_ACTIVE,
                    'error_msg'        => 'ACTIVE_ERROR',
                    'user_row'        => $row,

            // Successful login... set user_login_attempts to zero...
            return array(
                'status'        => LOGIN_SUCCESS,
                'error_msg'        => false,
                'user_row'        => $row,


// Check password ...
        if ($this->passwords_manager->get_hash($password) == $row['user_password'])
            // Check for old password hash...
            if (strlen($row['user_password']) == 40)
                $hash = $this->passwords_manager->get_hash($password);

                // Update the password in the users table to the new format
                $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . "
                    SET user_password = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($hash) . "'
                    WHERE user_id = {$row['user_id']}";

                $row['user_password'] = $hash;

            $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . LOGIN_ATTEMPT_TABLE . '
                WHERE user_id = ' . $row['user_id'];

            if ($row['user_login_attempts'] != 0)
                // Successful, reset login attempts (the user passed all stages)
                $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
                    SET user_login_attempts = 0
                    WHERE user_id = ' . $row['user_id'];

            // User inactive...
            if ($row['user_type'] == USER_INACTIVE || $row['user_type'] == USER_IGNORE)
                return array(
                    'status'        => LOGIN_ERROR_ACTIVE,
                    'error_msg'        => 'ACTIVE_ERROR',
                    'user_row'        => $row,

            // Successful login... set user_login_attempts to zero...
            return array(
                'status'        => LOGIN_SUCCESS,
                'error_msg'        => false,
                'user_row'        => $row,


Re: Connect pvpgn database to wordpress

Thank you very much, I'll test and I'll tell you the result.

My PhpBB is 3.2.2 as well. I hope it works: D

Added: 06.06.2018 10:46

It worked perfectly .. thanks!

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner

6 (edited by xHomerOx 06.06.2018 23:51)

Re: Connect pvpgn database to wordpress

Thanks for your replies, as soon as i can try the scripts, i will send my feedback!!!


I had to include the hash class and make two queries, so this will create another with an empty value table but won't modify the
same registry, have to use UPDATE with the same ID/UID. I will update when i have time to make it.

$adduser = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO mywpdatabase.wp_users (`user_login`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`) SELECT username, acct_username, acct_email FROM bnet");

if(empty($mysqli['user_pass']) && $password == pvpgn_hash::get_hash($mysqli['acct_passhash1'])){
        $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO mywpdatabase.wp_users (user_pass) VALUES ('".wp_hash_password($password)."')");

Added: 07.06.2018 16:10

Miki wrote:
xHomerOx wrote:

I wrote another topic about this, but it was before i found a plugin to convert sha1 or md5 to wordpress sha2 hash. But i noticed that pvpgn uses pvpgn xsha1. I would like to know if there's any way to use sha1 or md5 in pvpgn. Today i thought a posibility of trigger a función that create another column with md5 or sha1 pass and the website takes data from there. But i would like to know if there is something less complex. I will appreciate any help you can provide me. Thanks.

If the registration is through pvpgn

Login site
if(empty($mysqli['user_pass']) && $password == pvpgn_hash::get_hash($mysqli['acct_passhash1'])){
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO wp_users (user_pass) VALUES ('".wp_hash_password($password)."')");

But it's better to change md5 to pvpgn_hash::get_hash in wordpress

Thanks for your replies, as soon as i can try the scripts, i will send my feedback!!!


Tried everything but doesn't seem to work for me. Here's the code:

require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/diablo2/includes/pvpgn_hash.php");
                    require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/diablo2/includes/pvpgnhash.class.php");
                    $addUser = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO wordpressdb.wp_users (`user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`) SELECT username, acct_passhash1, acct_username, acct_email FROM ladderserver.bnet");
                    if(empty($mysqli['user_pass']) && $password == pvpgn_hash::get_hash($mysqli['acct_passhash1'])){
                            $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO wordpressdb.wp_users (user_pass) VALUES ('".wp_hash_password($password)."')");

$mysqli var is not defined, i looked it in files with np++ and it didn't gave me any results. Tried to change the hash in WP but didn't work also (put my code change into functions.php to alter the hash). Hope you can help me again smile.

7 (edited by Miki 07.06.2018 22:54)

Re: Connect pvpgn database to wordpress

Use the plugin for wordpress.
Change for you … -cms-20968

Добавлено: 07.06.2018 21:52

or … wordpress/
Do not complicate your work

8 (edited by xHomerOx 08.06.2018 00:02)

Re: Connect pvpgn database to wordpress

Miki wrote:

Use the plugin for wordpress.
Change for you … -cms-20968

Добавлено: 07.06.2018 21:52

or … wordpress/
Do not complicate your work

Thanks, yes I have done something like that, but i need to sync the data from WP to PvPGN Server and vice, it can be with the custom form or a plugin, I think that the only way to achieve that is changing the WordPress hash, I don't know any other way, keep in mind that the core game can't be modified.

UPDATE 2= Changed the hash here:

"passhash ="

in index.php

and now it seems to work, i will post if everything worked well.

WORKED LIKE CHARM, I have change the passhash to some other hash, and installed a Plugin in WP(External DB Converter). So when the User creates an account in the database, the first time it logs to the site, it will rehash the password to SHA256+Salt. THANK YOU! Hope it helps somebody.

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