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Posts: 5


Topic: Issues setting up PvPGN

So either I'm tarded or I didn't understand the guide. So downloaded the 1.13c D2GS zip, and then downloaded the newest version of the mysql and also tried plain pvpgn, put contents of both zips into a single folder and also copied over the required files from the game into the same directory. Then configured the files accordingly, this is on a windows spare pc. So if my internal ip is i put that into ini files other then the address trans where i put my external ip correct? The issue I'm having right now is I get this error.

Nov 17 21:45:10 [fatal] pvpgn::bnetd::support_check_files: necessary file "files/matchmaking-war3-default.dat" missing
Nov 17 21:45:10 [error] pre_server_startup: some needed files are missing
Nov 17 21:45:10 [error] pre_server_startup: please make sure you installed the supportfiles in files

I'm running this for diablo 2 and i dont understand why im getting an error related to wc3?


Re: Issues setting up PvPGN

It doesn't matter if you run only d2 games. Pvpgn support all classic blizzard games and if something is wrong with config then it will not work at all.
Logs say that file is missing, check it.


Re: Issues setting up PvPGN

The latest PvPGN can be downloaded from (Download section), or compile it manually with build_pvpgn.bat (Magic Builder).
All required D2GS files can be get with build_d2gs.bat (Magic Builder).

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Issues setting up PvPGN

HarpyWar wrote:

The latest PvPGN can be downloaded from (Download section), or compile it manually with build_pvpgn.bat (Magic Builder).
All required D2GS files can be get with build_d2gs.bat (Magic Builder).

right so ive downloaded the latest pvpgn and already gotten 1.13c game files (support files?) and also d2gs 1.13c build 3 and placed them in the dir, but still same issue as before.


Re: Issues setting up PvPGN

Karol wrote:

It doesn't matter if you run only d2 games. Pvpgn support all classic blizzard games and if something is wrong with config then it will not work at all.
Logs say that file is missing, check it.

I suggest the same. Looks like it's looking for "files/matchmaking-war3-default.dat" in particular. Nothing to do with your d2gs files.

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