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Posts: 4


Topic: Server help

Apparently I'm a tard and even after following guides to setting up a diablo 2 vanilla server I still can not get it squared away. Looking to pay someone in order to help set it up.


Re: Server help

Write more details, pvpgn version, os, gs version. What have you done already.


Re: Server help

Karol wrote:

Write more details, pvpgn version, os, gs version. What have you done already.


OS - windows 10

pvpgn ->  pvpgn-master- plain & mysql (tried using one and then the other with same results wasn't sure if I had just goof'd switching in storage line when manually changing it from plain to mysql) also ran this in compatibility mode like suggested

d2gs -> 1.13c build 3

so ive taken all the game files needed, pvpgn, and d2gs placed them into the same dir and edited the files accordingly to the

current issue is when i boot pvpgn.exe up it gives this fatal error ->

Nov 18 09:52:27 [fatal] pvpgn::bnetd::support_check_files: necessary file "files/matchmaking-war3-default.dat" missing
Nov 18 09:52:27 [error] pre_server_startup: some needed files are missing
Nov 18 09:52:27 [error] pre_server_startup: please make sure you installed the supportfiles in files

i have literally gone step by step with the guide for both pvpgn and d2gs and still nothing. I have server hosting experience for other games off steam and even a wow private server but pvpgn is nut punching me >:C

100% willing to use some sort of screensharing so i can walk you thought what i have done from start to finish and hopefully you can tell me i tarded on this spot or that. A few years ago I got a pvpgn semi up had everything running other then the issue with failed to make games on a closed realm, but even now I can not get that far. This was also before using an xfinity gateway, previously my interalip was 192.168.x.x now it is a 10.0.x.x i cant see why or how that would make a difference but aside from pvpgn updating this is literally the only changes that i can think of from when it semi worked to 100% not working.

4 (edited by ecid 23.11.2018 21:36)

Re: Server help

If you haven't gotten this resolved as of yet. Shoot me a PM and I'll see what I can do. I just did a fresh d2 vanilla setup myself.

EDIT: I couldn't find that file in my server files either. Try modifying bnetd.conf and search for allowed_clients and restrict all but d2/lod. Should be

allowed_clients = d2dv,d2xp

Should negate any other clients.

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