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1 (edited by Feofilaktt 22.05.2019 04:02)

Topic: Rename "BNET" table in SQL

I use PvPGN on Linux and would like to make a change in the SQL Table.

I would like to rename the table "pvpgn_BNET" to "pvpgn_users".

"BNET" to "users"

The modification in "sql_DB_layout.conf" is ok. However, it is necessary to make new modifications in PvPGN Code to read this new table name.

Is it possible to make these modifications in the PvPGN code? What files should I the modification before building/make/install in PvPGN code?

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Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: Rename "BNET" table in SQL

Search by "BNET" on github repo returns many results.

Files related to pvpgn server are:

But I do not recommmend change this, cause many external scripts are also uses that table name. And you won't be able to use future server updates, without additional modifications.

If you want lowercase table names like "pvpgn_bnet", then it's enough to tune mysql server by adding an option in config. With this option tables in SQL queries will be case insensitive:

lower_case_table_names = 1
Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Rename "BNET" table in SQL

It's all right!

I'll do some testing and come back with the result!

Thanks HarpyWar!

Added: 23.05.2019 01:50

work! big_smile

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