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Topic: reverse engineering: Sacred


Some other day I stumbled on my old copy of Sacred, a game made by Ascaron. It's quiete a nice Diablo clone, but the online part is completely not functional, unless you use some VPN LAN tricks.

I was asking: have you ever worked on this game? The network system seems similar to Diablo II (open/closed server, lobby, etc), maybe you like it.

I'm opening this topic not because I think someone here as some kind of magic wand to make a server working again, but to ask some suggestion on how to takle this task:

1)I've made a small TCP echo server just try to understand the protocol, but as you may have guessed, is only binary, so I cannot decode them. I noticed there is a site documenting the packets of, how those documents were produced?

2)Tried to decompile the dll responsable for connection, but in ASM it's quite the challenge. I've tried snowman to convert ASM to C++ to at least understand some of the flow, but it's not that easy.

Have you some suggestion to give to me? Thank you!


Re: reverse engineering: Sacred

alby87 wrote:


Some other day I stumbled on my old copy of Sacred, a game made by Ascaron. It's quiete a nice Diablo clone, but the online part is completely not functional, unless you use some VPN LAN tricks.

I was asking: have you ever worked on this game? The network system seems similar to Diablo II (open/closed server, lobby, etc), maybe you like it.

I'm opening this topic not because I think someone here as some kind of magic wand to make a server working again, but to ask some suggestion on how to takle this task:

1)I've made a small TCP echo server just try to understand the protocol, but as you may have guessed, is only binary, so I cannot decode them. I noticed there is a site documenting the packets of, how those documents were produced?

2)Tried to decompile the dll responsable for connection, but in ASM it's quite the challenge. I've tried snowman to convert ASM to C++ to at least understand some of the flow, but it's not that easy.

Have you some suggestion to give to me? Thank you!

You could perform packet capture and convert the binary to a readable format. You might have to brush up on networking / packet inspection. Check out Wireshark for Linux or tcpflow for windows.


Re: reverse engineering: Sacred

reillybenoit wrote:

You could perform packet capture and convert the binary to a readable format. You might have to brush up on networking / packet inspection. Check out Wireshark for Linux or tcpflow for windows.

Already tried Wireshark, but the packets are unintelligible binary, I think that reverse engineering is the only viable way sad


Re: reverse engineering: Sacred

alby87 wrote:

Already tried Wireshark, but the packets are unintelligible binary, I think that reverse engineering is the only viable way sad

A lot easier to make sense of it that way. Watch how the packet is constructed.

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