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Topic: How to modify saved characters ?

Hi there , could any one tell me how to edit saved characters ?
Is there a way to change level , items for each character created ?
Is it possible to add let's say perfect paladin save and assign it to specified account ?
I Was thinking that maybe HeroEditor would be helpful but where to start or put character save ?


Re: How to modify saved characters ?

There are charinfo and charsave directories (in "var" of d2dbs service) which contain files with the same names.

charinfo file is a cover, it used on character selection screen and portrait in chat room. It updates automatically from the charsave file. But it has several extra options like "dead", "ladder", "expansion" flags, and you will not able to play with the character if flags are not appropriate to a game mode. It can be modified using this tool

charsave file is default character format, which can be opened with HeroEditor. Just rename it to *.d2s to edit.
Note that a character should be offline before editing because it overwrites by a server after game end.

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Re: How to modify saved characters ?

HarpyWar wrote:

There are charinfo and charsave directories (in "var" of d2dbs service) which contain files with the same names.

charinfo file is a cover, it used on character selection screen and portrait in chat room. It updates automatically from the charsave file. But it has several extra options like "dead", "ladder", "expansion" flags, and you will not able to play with the character if flags are not appropriate to a game mode. It can be modified using this tool

charsave file is default character format, which can be opened with HeroEditor. Just rename it to *.d2s to edit.
Note that a character should be offline before editing because it overwrites by a server after game end.

Righty i have found save files and used the editor mentioned above , problem is that i cant change level in character info ;/


Re: How to modify saved characters ?

Level will be updated after join/left game with the character.

It's possible to modify level in charinfo directly via API if you really need it … nfo-object

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: How to modify saved characters ?

Hi, I wrote an editor for charsave files.
Please checkout

Hope that helps!

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