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Posts: 5

1 (edited by Gencolate 01.03.2019 13:15)

Topic: Ladder

Hi. I need to upload the ladder D2 to a database. to then show it in an android application. is this possible?


Re: Ladder

Gencolate wrote:

Hi. I need to upload the ladder D2 to a database. to then show it in an android application. is this possible?

PvPGN can output the ladder to an XML file which should be very easy to convert to any format you want from there.

This setting can be found in bnetd.conf

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3 (edited by Feofilaktt 01.03.2019 14:44)

Re: Ladder

Gencolate wrote:

Hi. I need to upload the ladder D2 to a database. to then show it in an android application. is this possible?

There is an HTML/PHP developed by HarpyWar to import the "Ladders" files generated by PvPGN into MySQL.

This is the tool link:

PvPGN - Stats

If set correctly, it should look like this:

My Server Ladder

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Re: Ladder

I use this script to parse d2ladder.xml, it works great


Re: Ladder

Ty guys

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