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Topic: [Not resolved] How to use the "/rehost" command on PvPGN server?

[Not resolved] How to use the /rehost command on PvPGN server? (or any easy command so they can create games)

How to use the / rehost command on server PvPGN? in Warcraft III so my friends can create custom games without having their ports open.
If someone can describe it in detail, many of us would be very grateful.


Re: [Not resolved] How to use the "/rehost" command on PvPGN server?

Without a bot one player is always a game host

You have to use a game hosting bot for game hosting by a server. But it's a separate project and you should implement commands for /host and others in pvpgn by yourself

There was a proposal how can it be implemented with Lua scripts, but it was not finished on the bot side. You are welcome if you can do it
If no then look a short video intro how to write own commands for pvpgn

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Not resolved] How to use the "/rehost" command on PvPGN server?

Thank you very much, as always the best.
My questions for Warcraft 3:

1.- In PvPGN the Dagger does not work for "PlayGame", could you explain why?, because the same configuration of previous pvpgn now no longer works.

2.- I am trying to configure the "PVPGN" with the Ghostone, through lua.
Ghostone recognizes me "/pvpgn init"
and in "bnet_rootadmin =" add my "PvPGN" name
Also replace in "config.lua": "hostbot1" and "hostbot2" for my bot and that of my friend.
and the server recognizes the commands:
"/host ap 5x5 gameAll!"
And the bot knows that it wrote the command.
But neither of the 2 bots launch the game.
Any solution or option?


Re: [Not resolved] How to use the "/rehost" command on PvPGN server?

1. Anonymous game should work if both players have a direct connection. It will not start otherwise.
2. It was not implemented in ghostone, so these commands are not working now.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: [Not resolved] How to use the "/rehost" command on PvPGN server?

HarpyWar wrote:

1. Anonymous game should work if both players have a direct connection. It will not start otherwise.
2. It was not implemented in ghostone, so these commands are not working now.

OK mechas gracias! vere que hago! sad

Added: 18.05.2020 04:29

Any way to repair the dagger, so that users do not have to open their ports? or at least 1 of them doesn't have it?


Re: [Not resolved] How to use the "/rehost" command on PvPGN server?

Me gustaria saber como se implementa el /rehost para utilizarlo en mi servidor pvpgn 1.8.5

Posts: 6

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