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Posts: 9


Topic: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

Hey is this normal that this doesnt work and D2GS crash when i cube the 3 Keys ?


Re: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

Mogelbaum wrote:

Hey is this normal that this doesnt work and D2GS crash when i cube the 3 Keys ?
I had the same problem, use d2gs 1.13c and it should work

3 (edited by Mogelbaum 01.03.2017 14:33)

Re: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

Does D2GS1.13c work with 1.13d Files ?


Re: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

You can try, i use 1.13c files but only allow 1.14d in versioncheck. works flawless


Re: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

napstar wrote:

You can try, i use 1.13c files but only allow 1.14d in versioncheck. works flawless

What do you mean with "but only allow 1.14d in versioncheck"? users must use 1.14d client, only?


Re: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

batmanReturns wrote:
napstar wrote:

You can try, i use 1.13c files but only allow 1.14d in versioncheck. works flawless

What do you mean with "but only allow 1.14d in versioncheck"? users must use 1.14d client, only?

Yes, it is possible to restrict users to certain versions

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Re: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

Mogelbaum wrote:

Does D2GS1.13c work with 1.13d Files ?

No,  the ASM patch addresses in Patched d2server.dll for 1.13d are all different.

I haven't tried D2GS in 1.13d but does anyone know if magic builder is using lolets modified D2GS for 1.13d?

Lolet created his own uberquest portals not with Plugy ASM.  So this might be related to the crash for 1.13d.. because some of the code is commented out in his 1.asm to patch d2server.dll.

1.asm  1.13d

;Uber Quest Patchs

;D2Game.dll    0XFA7B8    2049C56F    D01B0268 1 #6FD1A7B8(11BA7B8)
;    mov ecx,esi
;    add ecx, 0FA2C4h; 1.13d 0FA7B8h
;    mov eax,offset openPandPortal
;    mov [ecx],eax

;D2Game.dll    0XFA7BC    1049C56F    781C0268 1 #6FD1A7BC(11BA7BC)
;    mov ecx,esi
;    add ecx, 0FA2C8h; 1.13d 0FA7BCh
;    mov eax,offset openPandFinalPortal
;    mov [ecx],eax

;SpawnUberBossOff=68021CF0 ; Hook
;D2Game.dll    0XE6B52 6ACAF3FF    F01C0268 20  #6FD06B52(11A6B52) = Patch Call Offset
;    mov ecx,esi
;    add ecx, 0BE9ABh ;  1.13d 0E6B52h
;    mov eax,offset SpawnUberBoss
;    sub eax,ecx
;    sub eax,4
;    mov [ecx],eax


Re: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

Should be fixed here
Who can confirm that it works?

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: D2GS 1.13d Pandemonium Portal didnt work ?

HarpyWar wrote:

Should be fixed here
Who can confirm that it works?

I fixed it and tested it many times.

Posts: 9

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