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Posts: 4


Topic: Go Slash Armory to JSON

Hi, i'm trying to make the Armory to work but i don't know how to implement it. I build the Go project and print the lines in console like stated. but i want to generate some JSON from a character in-game. I couldn't find a way to work with the Nokka GO program. I would appreciate any help you can provide me.
Thanks in advance!


Re: Go Slash Armory to JSON

Are you using nokka's parser?

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Re: Go Slash Armory to JSON

Meanski wrote:

Are you using nokka's parser?

Yes i did it into my main.go file.

My structure is armory/main.go

go build main.go //console
         go run main //console

In console this is what i get but no *.json or another file output:


Added: 23.05.2019 14:35

Anyone? I'm trying to make it work but i don't know what to do. Tried everything, I'm haven't programmed in Go, so i don't know that language. Anyone can give me a suggestion on where to start?

4 (edited by drrogern 16.06.2020 18:36)

Re: Go Slash Armory to JSON

I believe this tool only gives you the binary numbers so that you yourself can match them up with items. Its a good tool and a good start for your project but I believe there is a ton of work needed to get item info etc in a usable format.

I was wrong. This tool is so much more then what I thought. Still a lot of manual work needed though. Great tool!

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