Topic: Cant figure out how stats folder functions
I am having trouble setting up php to work. I propably think its because my php isnt installd on c: root folder but I dont really care to reconfigure that. Everything else I have done right but web pages contain php code wont load.
Second and main issue is how to migrate stats files to work on a webpage. I can simply open htm files and view profile page but without any connectivity into real pvpgn program.. Am I missing something? I just think it´s all just a really big mess since I dont even know where to put stats or status files and I cant even find server.dat files that is being readed by the php files in the stats folder..
I am confess I am a big noob and I just put stats folder into default folder of the windows server where I could load basic iis default site that works fine. Its simply not my windows configuration issue but lack of php experience and lack of proper instructions of how to use stats + status file or how to use passrecover options..
Too bad since it would have been really nice to configure all them right.. Now its just a huge dumbster of code that I cannot read.
Added: 09.11.2022 15:44
Wow just wow.
I just went throught online tutorials for iis7 php configuration and managed suprisingly make it work. There are just tons and tons of customization settings and options all over the php files and I am sure not all of them work. (didnt need to move php folder into root c:
But php files in the iisroot folder are now working! (no connectivity to sql tho, I dont expect this to be a one day job!).
If all works out, I might have working html profile page on the beginning of next year.. Looks good.. but suprisingly hard.
Added: 16.11.2022 21:38
Managed to make mysql work by trying to configure it couple days.. password still empty tho it need to change..
I cant believe how good job you did 18 years ago with the stats file (old) from github..
With the reforged unfunctioning its like a miracle to have old bnet restored..