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Posts: 4

1 (edited by Jimmy_Aquarius 04.12.2012 03:42)

Topic: how to make like this ?

okay, sorry if i have much question...
i am beginner who wants to know about how to modification pvpgn
okay, this is some screenshots and i want to make like this...


+ show spoiler
this command is to disable 2 times lock
so if user is being ban, it will fail to ban him again and show  that user is being ban
Bigger Screenshot:


+ show spoiler
it will show someone's status and commands
Bigger Screenshot:


+ show spoiler
when admin type : !op stealthgen
stealthgen will promote to Operator
and then when anybody use !cek stealthgen
his grade changed to Operator and got some commands
Bigger Screenshot


+ show spoiler
When admin type : !vOP Help-Assistant
Help-assistant will promote to Voice Operator
and then when anybody use !cek help-assistant
his grade changed to Voice Operator and got some commands.... his commands different  from Operator


+ show spoiler
it will show user's icon when anybody use !cek Ganyoygen


+ show spoiler
it will tell you that you must activate your account by filling your information
like your phone number, email...
it will show if you have not activate but if you have activate it will not show
and please tell me how to make command !reg


+ show spoiler
it will show someone's status by typing !cek <user>

How to make !status command ?
so if someone whisp to bot : !status ganyoygen
it will show more detail about his ban status like case, report link, when will he be unbanned

i'm sure this command globally use mIRC Scripts
but anybody can show the script ?

Thank you very Much
i will give you Good Reputation if you ready to answer my questions
and sorry if my english language is bad, i am still learning it...
i hope you understand what i mean


Re: how to make like this ?

Make bigger screenshots, please.

It looks like it's a bot, a 3rd party program that is connected to pvpgn as a regular user.


Re: how to make like this ?

xpeh wrote:

Make bigger screenshots, please.

It looks like it's a bot, a 3rd party program that is connected to pvpgn as a regular user.

okay, i will give more bigger screenshot
he use mIRC to do like this, so i just want to know what does script he use


Re: how to make like this ?

I think it's a VB script for stealth bot....

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