13:54:10.926 D2GSSetD2CSMaxGameNumber: Tell D2CS to set max game to 1
05/14 13:54:10.926 D2GSSetGameInfoByD2CS: Set current maxgame to 1
05/14 13:54:21.379 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Test1' (1)
05/14 13:54:21.379 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Test1', 1,expansion,normal,softcore,ladder, seqno=15
05/14 13:54:21.379 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Test1','','', By teeest(*Perfarator)@
05/14 13:54:21.457 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: teeest(*Perfarator) join game 'Test1', id=1(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
05/14 13:55:21.457 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Test1', id=1(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
05/14 13:55:21.457 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Test1' (1)
05/14 13:55:27.176 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char teeest(*Perfarator) in an already closed game
05/14 14:17:22.285 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Asd' (2)
05/14 14:17:22.285 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Asd', 2,expansion,normal,softcore,ladder, seqno=21
05/14 14:17:22.285 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Asd','123','', By teeest(*Perfarator)@
05/14 14:17:22.363 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: teeest(*Perfarator) join game 'Asd', id=2(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
05/14 14:18:22.332 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Asd', id=2(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
05/14 14:18:22.332 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Asd' (2)
05/14 14:18:28.067 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char teeest(*Perfarator) in an already closed game
05/14 14:23:41.207 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Asd' (3)
05/14 14:23:41.207 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Asd', 3,expansion,normal,softcore,ladder, seqno=27
05/14 14:23:41.207 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Asd','','', By teeest(*Perfarator)@
05/14 14:23:41.285 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: teeest(*Perfarator) join game 'Asd', id=3(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
05/14 14:24:41.254 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Asd', id=3(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
05/14 14:24:41.254 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Asd' (3)
05/14 14:24:46.973 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char teeest(*Perfarator) in an already closed game
05/14 14:25:04.082 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Asd' (4)
05/14 14:25:04.082 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Asd', 4,expansion,normal,softcore,ladder, seqno=32
05/14 14:25:04.082 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Asd','','', By test(*Perfarator)@
05/14 14:25:04.160 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: test(*Perfarator) join game 'Asd', id=4(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
05/14 14:26:04.098 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Asd', id=4(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
05/14 14:26:04.098 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Asd' (4)
05/14 14:26:09.879 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char test(*Perfarator) in an already closed game
05/14 17:54:40.582 D2GEThread: Server Thread 3632 Created
05/14 17:54:42.254 D2GSErrorHandle: Error occur, exiting...