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Posts: 14


Topic: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

how to edit,, Age and Sex
example: / age 18
             : / Sex Malee
later entry in / finger albhy: Age: 18
                                             Sex: Malee


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

// for sex
/set <nick> profile\sex <enter your sex>

// for age
/set <nick> profile\age <enter age>


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

oke thanx Jimmy smile ... good


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

aLbHy wrote:

oke thanx Jimmy smile ... good

swt gw minta yg add friend itu si somad napa albhy yg add gw -_-"

5 (edited by Zeloit 28.05.2013 11:46)

Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

aLbHy wrote:

how to edit,, Age and Sex
example: / age 18
             : / Sex Malee
later entry in / finger albhy: Age: 18
                                             Sex: Malee

static int _handle_sex_command(t_connection * c, char const *text)
  unsigned int i;
  t_connection *    user;
  char const * dest="BOT";

  for (i=0; text[i]!=' ' && text[i]!='\0'; i++); /* skip command */
  for (; text[i]==' '; i++);

  if (text[i]=='\0')
      message_send_text(c,message_type_info,c,"Change your sex");    
      message_send_text(c,message_type_info,c,"usage: /sex <text>");
      return 0;
  snprintf(msgtemp, sizeof(msgtemp), "!sex %.128s",&text[i]);
  return 0;

and this answer from BOT:
/set $nick profile\sex $2-


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

satria english please

zeloit write script /age & /sex

but this script must connect to Mirc

you must build script in mirc

7 (edited by Zeloit 28.05.2013 18:24)

Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

Janu wrote:

satria english please

zeloit write script /age & /sex

but this script must connect to Mirc

you must build script in mirc

yes i know..
but not today, i'm tired  sad


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

let's do this!

for age :

on (your number):text:!age*:?: {
/set $nick profile\age $2
/msg $nick Your age changed to $2 }

for sex :

on (your number):text:!sex*:?: {
/set $nick profile\sex $2
/msg $nick Your sex changed to $2 }

its a simple code but you can expand this code
cmiiw  big_smile


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

i don't agree

on 1:text:!sex*:?: {
/set $nick profile\sex $2
/chat $nick Your sex changed to $2 }

on 1:text:!age*:?: {
/set $nick profile\age $2
/chat $nick Your age changed to $2 }

there is another way without using mirc, you can make /sex <<< not from mirc, but pure pvpgn

ex: see command /set and you can editing code


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

thank you zeloit , janu and root-system  cool


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

forum ini serasa punya eyang somad kwkwkwkwkw  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

12 (edited by Satria 01.06.2013 16:23)

Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

goku wrote:

forum ini serasa punya eyang somad kwkwkwkwkw  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

speak english please
You can talk on your native language in PM with your friends,
but you have to use English on public forums. will helps if you have difficulty with english.



Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

ah satria sok inggris lu orang indo aja pun lu hahahaha

satria lu udah jadi pengikut eyang somad ya?  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile


Re: [solved] How To Edit /age and /sex

goku wrote:

ah satria sok inggris lu orang indo aja pun lu hahahaha

satria lu udah jadi pengikut eyang somad ya?  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

this is a english subforum
don't a indonesian subforum
please speak english

Posts: 14

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