Topic: afxres.h
15>..\..\..\source\src\win32\resource.rc(12): fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'.
why is this? there is no solution?
PvPGN Community Forums | → [EN] The Source Code → afxres.h
15>..\..\..\source\src\win32\resource.rc(12): fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'.
why is this? there is no solution?
you need to add vsexpress_include folder in your visual c++
you can download it at: …
you need to add vsexpress_include folder in your visual c++
you can download it at: …
add where ?
my folder vc++ 2010 in here : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0
you can click: tools > options > projects and solutions > VC++ Directories. (In your visual c++)
Show directories for, change to "Include File"
and then click "add new line" and add your vsexpress_include folder there.. → [EN] The Source Code → afxres.h