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Posts: 15

1 (edited by qualakon 24.08.2013 09:29)

Topic: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

Hi all,

I am trying to add support to Hellfire and I'm getting a connection from my client to the PvPGN server however it is not configured for a Hellfire client to accept connections. Using your Magic PvPGN Builder I was able to make it so it bypassed the check for which version I'm running and let it run with unknown version, but that just causes the client to crash.

I checked out the source and I found three references to "DRTL" in tag.h, client_connect.h and client_connect.cpp. I was wondering if anyone knew how to add the correct values if the variables but for Hellfire rather than for Diablo? EDIT: I know that it will take more work than adding the HRTL tag to add Hellfire support to PvPGN

I have a blog where I'm chronicling my adventures with this, you can see two posts outlining my PvPGN challenges: … gn-part-2/ … gn-part-3/

I've looked for support on the official PvPGN forums but I haven't gotten much luck there, I was hoping I could get some help here. smile

Thanks for your time,


EDIT: Basically what I'm trying to do is add my own client to PvPGN and, if possible, I'd like to know all the different places I'd have to add Hellfire code to get PvPGN to work with it. I have some ideas that I'd like to bounce off someone.

Rather than start a new thread I'm going to edit here:

I'm not too sure if this is possible either but is it possible to strip down PvPGN to only have the code needed for DRTL? I know it seems a little weird but it would help me out a lot.

Or if someone knew how to make PvPGN accept connection from DRTL v1.04 ?

Added: 02.01.2014 12:46

Sorry for the bump but I want to make a request.

The other night, PvPGN forums were compromised and so if Harpywars was one of the last forums for PvPGN, they are now the only.

What I would like to request is a slim version of PvPGN that only works for DRTL client. I don't mean to edit .conf files, I mean to edit the source code and remove anything else that doesn't belong for DRTL.

Is there anyone out there that is able to help me with that? Does anyone have an older version of PvPGN?

Thanks for your time,

Daniel James


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

Hello, could you share all the game files that are needed to run Diablo: Hellfire with support?

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

Thank you for your reply!

I have modified the PvPGN Source you published to accept HRTL to the best of my capacity. There might be more that I'm missing.

After that, you'll need to get the battle.snp file from Diablo Retail. You'll need Gateway Editor as well, but you have that I'm sure. You can find the files you need in the PvPGN Development section of Repository.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

I've repeated your experience and I guess Hellfire doesn't support as full.
Also I can't get working UDP multiplayer between two computers in Hellfire. If it works then one of the solution is to play via Hamachi.

PvPGN determines client version by a product tag - this is just a string in hex:
I replaced "DRTL" -> "HRTL" and "0x4452544C" -> "0x4852544C" in all places of the code, but it did not help.

I captured traffic between the game and pvpgn. Hellfire client crashes on/after transfer a file bnserver.ini ( - client, - server).

Now I have no ideas. You can try to edit icons.bni on the server, may be there must be an icon for "HRTL" tag.
And here attached PvPGN 1.6.3 source, but I'm not sure that it may help.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

Thanks for your help and suggestions.
How do I edit .bni files?


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

qualakon wrote:

How do I edit .bni files?

Use bni utils

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

Thanks for that. I'm trying to edit the icons.bni file that comes with PvPGN, I am able to list but when I try to extract I get this:

Info: Creating directory "icons" ...
Info: Loading "icons.bni" ...
Info: Loading image ...
RLE_decompress: short RAW packet (expected 84 bytes) (EOF)
RLE_decompress: after final packet only got 336 of 23520 bytes
load_tga: error while decompressing data!

When I list I do see this:

Icon[9]: id=0x00000000 x=28 y=14 tag=0x4452544c("DRTL") flags=0x00000000

Would you be able to replace the DRTL icon listing for the HRTL client code and tag?


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

I don't know why. I replaced "LTRD" -> "LTRH" manually in hex editor, but client still crashes.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

I tried the icons.bni file and it crashes for me as well. I even tried every battle.snp from DRTL v1.04 to v1.09b with no luck.

I've had the most luck with DRTL v1.07's battle.snp file but not enough luck.

If I put version check to true, what would versioncheck.conf look like for Hellfire? I have this but I don't think it's correct:

# Hellfire
"A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B" \
"ver-ix86-1.mpq" \
IX86 \
"hellfire.exe 01/19/98 19:31:00 859136" \
0x00000022 \ \
0x23135c73 \

You wouldn't know how to edit the battle.snp file to see if there's something we could change for the product tag?

Or how about making the Hellfire client invoke the DRTL tag instead of HRTL? How should bnserver.ini look?


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

Version check should be disabled, this is unnecessary restriction on the server.

HRTL(reversed LTRH) tag is in hellfire.exe, you can replace the first occurrence only (there are two):
But now the client freezes with black screen and pvpgn closing the connection immediately. The client tag is not even displayed in log.

bnserver.ini is an optional file, it can replace serverlist on the client side. I have not tried setup it but I read that some people did that.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

Thanks for your help so far Harpy War.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

qualakon, have you got make Hellfire working with PvPGN?

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

Not at all, I wish!


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

HarpyWar wrote:

How do I edit .bni files?

I made a program that works correct with BNI archives:

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Hellfire Client in PvPGN

That utility works really well, for now I tried to change the Shareware tag to HRTL instead of making my own icon but it still doesn't like something.  Getting return of -1

pr 10 04:23:21 [info ] conn_create: [516][500] sessionkey=0x5346dde9 sessionnum=0x00000002
Apr 10 04:23:21 [debug] sd_accept: [516] client connected to a bnet listening address
Apr 10 04:23:21 [info ] file_send: [524] sending file "icons.bni" of length 16379
Apr 10 04:23:21 [info ] handle_init_packet: [516] client initiated file download connection
Apr 10 04:23:21 [trace] conn_shutdown: [516] connection allready closed
Apr 10 04:23:21 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [520] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Apr 10 04:23:21 [info ] conn_destroy: [520] closed bnet connection
Apr 10 04:23:21 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [524] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Apr 10 04:23:21 [info ] file_send: [516] sending file "tos_USA.txt" of length 1423
Apr 10 04:23:21 [info ] conn_destroy: [524] closed file connection
Apr 10 04:23:21 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [516] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Apr 10 04:23:21 [info ] conn_destroy: [516] closed file connection

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