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Posts: 9

1 (edited by Dante 23.05.2014 11:06)

Topic: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

you how to add the script to lua for pvpgn

thanks for your help and time


Re: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

Lua implementation is not fully ready yet. I will write a quick guide when it is finished.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

Dante, now you can become a beta tester of the next version of PvPGN! smile

On Linux you have to add a new cmake directive "-D WITH_LUA=true", and install Lua with "apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev" (I updated the article).

On Windows you have to download and add a path to these files into vc++ project's "include" and "libraries".
I will update Magic Builder soon to support Git and Lua.

There is a Trivia Quiz Game is implemented in Lua (command /quiz) - it can be interested for any users.

Do not ask for support in PM.

4 (edited by Dante 27.05.2014 03:36)

Re: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

HarpyWar wrote:

Dante, now you can become a beta tester of the next version of PvPGN! smile

On Linux you have to add a new cmake directive "-D WITH_LUA=true", and install Lua with "apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev" (I updated the article).

On Windows you have to download and add a path to these files into vc++ project's "include" and "libraries".
I will update Magic Builder soon to support Git and Lua.

There is a Trivia Quiz Game is implemented in Lua (command /quiz) - it can be interested for any users.

harpywar help please, / quiz unknown command

thanks harpywar



Re: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

If you have no errors in bnetd.log then you didn't enable Lua support on PvPGN compile.
Make sure you use code from the repository and directory with Lua scripts exists according to "scriptdir" path in bnetd.conf

Do not ask for support in PM.

6 (edited by Dante 27.05.2014 08:42)

Re: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

HarpyWar wrote:

If you have no errors in bnetd.log then you didn't enable Lua support on PvPGN compile.
Make sure you use code from the repository and directory with Lua scripts exists according to "scriptdir" path in bnetd.conf

wonderful work harpywar, thanks


Re: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

what is program in that screenshot?
i want that  big_smile


Re: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

Круто! Для варкрафта тоже самое проделывать нужно?


Re: help to add pvpgn-lua-scripts for pvpgn

XOM91K, Lua работает сам по себе в "виртуальной машине", неважно для каких игр. Я добавил вызовы многих значимых pvpgn функций, чтобы они были доступны из Lua скриптов. Манипуляциями с ними можно достичь очень интересных результатов. Любые команды, которые получают текст от игрока и посылают текст обратно делаются на "ура". К слову, сейчас почти все команды из command.cpp возможно реализовать и на Lua.

Перезагружать "виртуальную машину" можно командой /rehash lua. Таким образом, сделанные изменения в скриптах можно очень быстро проверять. Без перезапуска всего сервера, и тем более без его перекомпиляции.

Добавлено: 30.05.2014 15:16

anonbyte wrote:

what is program in that screenshot?
i want that  big_smile

Starcraft: Brood War in window mode.

Do not ask for support in PM.

Posts: 9

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